Recent content by 8can

  1. 8

    Anyone still using blades?

    i really love my mp67s. I think they inspire a lot of confidence in my iron play. the way it works for me is that i know to get the best out of them, as with any club, you need to swing and strike the ball well. as i know that you dont really get away with a bad swing with blades it helps...
  2. 8

    Proudest Golfing Moment

    get the most satisfaction from beating my closest friends in bounce games but I suppose that is a different thread... proudest: winning the county under 16 (gross and handicap) was playing off 14 at the time and shot 3 over with the conditions very hard and all the scratch or better players...
  3. 8

    newbie saying hello

    No quite as fast or quite as cool, cycling racing bikes! raced all over scotland and england. also shortgame seems ok at the moment bob, although by the looks of things should i just give in and buy a V easy just now as it appears everyone does in the long run ;-)
  4. 8

    newbie saying hello

    cheers for the welcome guys username has no debauched drinking based origins (unfortunately) its just a phonetic spelling of my surname.
  5. 8

    newbie saying hello

    Morning Guys/girls New to the forum so just thought i'd drop a quick post on to say hello before getting involved with the banter. Back to playing golf again after an 11 year break from when i played a bit as a junior. life got in the way a bit from that point with uni, work and racing bikes...