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    • P
      I'd happily join you - am also a member at RSD (distance but based in UK)
    • P
      pmgolfer99 replied to the thread Sunningdale 2025.
      no idea. have a feeling the price on the "golf society" page is an out of date one. just to clarify - I wasn't trying to say the price...
    • P
      pmgolfer99 replied to the thread Sunningdale 2025.
      Priced on the basis of 24 (which is the minimum for a society day), but probably had 32 at each in the end - would have been the same...
    • P
      pmgolfer99 replied to the thread Sunningdale 2025.
      Not denying that was the advertised price, just not the one that most societies would have paid, so the "real" price increase is more...
    • P
      pmgolfer99 replied to the thread Sunningdale 2025.
      Don't think this is entirely accurate. I played a society day there in 2022 for £320 and then in 2023 for £360 - whilst at the time, the...
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