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    • ADB
      ADB reacted to Slab's post in the thread Slab's Caddy Comp with Like Like.
      No he doesn't need distances The players course guide and pin sheet is so detailed he barely has to take half a dozen steps from ball...
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Slab's Caddy Comp.
      Are you just giving yardages or advising shot type/club based on what you have seen - are you also helping to read putts?
    • ADB
      ADB reacted to Slab's post in the thread Slab's Caddy Comp with Like Like.
      Oh and this morning my shoulders ache something fierce This is despite 8 weeks and 150km of 12kg rucking, gawd knows what I'd have been...
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread What do you love about golf 😁.
      Being competitive no matter your ability or age
    • ADB
      1. Richart 2. Bratty 3. Bratty guest (Pieman of old) 4. Bratty guest 2 (James) 5. Bratty guest 3 (Andy) 6. SteveW86 7. Cake 8. Orikoru...
    • ADB
      ADB reacted to Slab's post in the thread Slab's Caddy Comp with Like Like.
      Jeez it was warm I'm not gonna try a long post on phone so will do that later He had really solid front 9 with 7 pars and 2 birds...
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Wine stopper.
      Stick a tea spoon in the top of the bottle
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread I bought today......
      That’s some discount - they show as £899 on the website!
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Golf Room 101.
      How about building up credit based on money spent in the clubhouse up to the value of your joining fee over the first three years of...
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Golf Room 101.
      Obviously 🙄 I’m saying there must be a better way of engendering loyalty and helping club finances than a money grab at the start.
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Golf Room 101.
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Golf Room 101.
      One-off non-refundable joining fees
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread New Bargains Thread.
      That’s the wife’s Christmas present sorted
    • ADB
      ADB reacted to Lord Tyrion's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      @Neilds answered a chunk of this. Basically it came down to two continents only. Then, they gave SA quite a head start, but didn't with...
    • ADB
      ADB replied to the thread Random Irritations.
      Apologies I’ve done no research into the procurement process but I guess no one would go up against SA as their pockets would never be...
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