Entering Competition Scores


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May 14, 2024
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This is my first post but I've been enjoying the forum for a couple of years. Relatively new golfer so excuse any mistakes I'll no doubt make here. And sorry for the long post

I recently played in a club medal competition, our club uses the IG app and we play competitions in 3 balls. When playing in previous competitions my playing partners have either marked a physical card, or entered their score on the app as they go, entering one of the other 3 players scores also - which we would discuss on the first tee or at least before finishing the first hole. At the end of the round either signinng the physical card, or verifying scores were correctly entered on the app. This time, neither of my PPs made any conversation about it. I'm not the most forward person and awkwardly mentioned I was entering my score on the app and I'd selected to also enter PP A's scores - this was pretty much ignored. A few holes in when I made another comment about entering his score, he said 'you are not allowed to enter other players scores as you go' and seemed a bit annoyed that I would do such a thing. I couldnt be bothered with a possible disagreement and didnt bother entering any of his further scores. They were both marking at least their own score down on a card, but I dont know if they marked each others scores as well. Neither of them ever really spoke about the scores as we went - never asked about what I'd scored on a hole which I found pretty strange, because I thought in competitions you had to mark someone elses scores - for verification purposes which makes total sense to me.

The outcome was that they both entered their scores after the round on IG app, I did the same and just confirmed PP A's scores that he'd put in without actually knowing if they were correct because I didnt bother asking. Both of their scores went in, and mine was on the live leaderboard, but has since disappeared, I'm not even on the results list as DQ'd or NR. I presume its not been logged because no one verified it, but I'm not sure, and neither PP mentioned anything after the round.

I'm going to speak to someone in the pro shop to find out where my score has gone - it doesnt really matter as I hadnt played well at all, I just found it strange how they went about the whole business of scoring.

A friend who also played the competition later told me that he found that you can enter your score on the app without anyone else verifying it - which he did and his score was submitted fine. So I'm presuming thats what my PP's did, which seems a bit odd, as without checking eachothers scores either on a card or the app, you could enter any score you like!?


Head Pro
Jun 16, 2015
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That's very strange. I've never played a stroke play competition without having the discussion on the first tee (or occasionally first hole) about who would be marking each card. It's a rule of golf (3.3b) that scores must be recorded and verified by the marker. Your fellow competitor's claim that you can't enter his scores on the IG app as you go is complete bollocks, unless your club has some strange condition of competition about the use of mobile devices.
These kind of odd things happen to everyone when they're new so don't worry too much about it. Having a word with the pro sounds like a good idea. My bet is that he/she will confirm that this bloke you played with was in the wrong. Although, at the end of the day, if your score hasn't been verified by someone else it won't count. At least it wasn't a good one!


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Jul 22, 2019
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We don't use IG, so not sure exactly how it works. Although I know you can use the howdidido app to enter scores, which I presume works in the same way. However, at our club, even once scores are submitted electronically using the App or PSI terminal, we also must submit signed physical cards. No card or missing signature, DQ.

Does your club not require signed physical cards after comps? And, if not, does IG have a sound electronic scorecard where verification can be done?


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May 14, 2024
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Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

We don't have to submit physical cards, which I do find a bit strange. But you have to do one or the other, physical card, or verify one of your PPs score on the app. The app is good and I've always entered someones score on there and we've had a chat after and verified eachothers scores electronically, it highlights any holes where you've entered the wrong score and you can have a chat about it and confirm etc. as you would with a physical card.

I spoke to the pro shop today and they confirmed as @LincolnShep said, he was in the wrong and seems a bit dodgy and they will have a word with him. Wish I'd said something to the guy at the time but didnt fancy a frosty rest of the round


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I though the latest version of the IG app requires the marker's name and signature.

We still have to use physical cards which have to be returned.

I do not bother with the app as I prefer to do it on a PSI screen where the spaces are bigger and I can take my time checking the card.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I though the latest version of the IG app requires the marker's name and signature.

We still have to use physical cards which have to be returned.

I do not bother with the app as I prefer to do it on a PSI screen where the spaces are bigger and I can take my time checking the card.
We use IG and we have to upload a photo of the card.
This must be signed by the marker.
The cards are not required once the photo is uploaded.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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We use IG. We MUST enter scores using the app or on the PSI screen in the clubhouse…Plus we MUST submit a physical card of our score signed by the marker. Electronic entry ensures WHS rounds are recorded that day for WHS HI update purposes. Physical cards are checked within a couple days. Result of a comp posted before physical cards are checked are flagged as provisional.