Your progression , how bad were you ?

Vincent Gary

Jul 29, 2013
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How bad were you when you first started playing golf and how good are you now, also how long has it taken you to get to the point your at now? :mmm:
I remember struggling to break 100 for a long time then was over the moon to start hitting mid 90s. Started shooting between 79-86 a lot for the first 5-6 months of this year but my driving has gone off the boil in the last month leaving me shooting mid 90s again.
I started playing golf 6 years ago.
My dad would not take me on the course when other players were around,purely because I was
a danger to them.
I started playing at Ilfracombe gc.
Like most starters I had a slice,sometimes up to a hundred yards left to right.
I used to shoot in the 130s, so without an official handicap.
My best there is now 74,par 69 and im a 6 handicap.
Ive had 1 official lesson.
Hope for everyone.
I was rubbish and not near breaking 100 and hadn't bothered getting a playing handicap. I could hit some beauties but so inconsistent and I hated it. I was very close to giving the game up when my coach was recommended to me by my physio! 3 years later and I'm playing the sort of golf I only dreamt about and my ultimate "oh my god could I ever" handicap has been reached with plenty of scope for it to go lower...
Improved fairly quickly and was playing to a H/C of around 12 within 18 months. Haven't improved since unfortunately, but I did have 7-8 years away from the game. Started again in 2011 and was playing to 12 again within a few months. Had high hopes for single figures this season but injury has again kept me off the course (since May). Next year is going to be my year...:thup:
Started playing 4 years ago and would score an average of 110-120 a round with no official handicap. Since then I have played just over 100 rounds in total and I now play off 21 and score an average of 93-98, so improvement has been slow to say the least.
I started playing in 2010.

First time I'd ever swung a club in anger and my first 18 holes score was 117.

Currently a 14 handicap, with my lowest round being 74.
I had never touched a golf club before 2006. had a massive slice when i started as came from Cricket and was very orth tech so hit a checked drive,which = slice.

first handicap was 24 in may and was down to 14 a few months later. was stuck on9 for 3years but down to 6, but been around 6'7 for the last couple of years.

had some lessons thi year but i think they put me back slightly.
I started playing 4 yrs ago never had 1 lesson.
First i spent 4 months at driving range and pitch and putt before i even set foot on a proper golf course.
I took me 3 rounds to finally break 100 on a proper golf course, and made steady progress from there.
4 yrs later im averaging around 76, Worked very hard on the short game i think that's really made the big difference for me.
First handicap was 19 about 3 years ago, down to 12 this year and playing to it although not played any comps. I now think I can get down to at least single figures and maybe even cat one but that's all chat until it happens. The point is though, I am seeing things that lead me to believe I am finding a way. The number is no longer relevant, I am playing golf that I am enjoying and can be proud of.
Started playing in 2006 shooting around 105. Don't have a handicap but my recent scores have been mid 80s with the occasional low 90s. I don't get chance to play as much as I'd like & I don't really practice so can't see the scores coming down much more tbh.
my dad used to take me out when I was really young. we would hack in around the smaller courses in the area. we were the epitome of fair weather golfers.

same story as I grew up but played a little more often with mates who liked it too.

joined a club in2009 after getting the bug after joining a work society.

I was given an 18 handicap that I struggled to play to.

finally got to singles last summer.

had a busy summer this year with moving to England. haven't had the opportunity to play in comps that often so my handicap hasn't really budged.
When I started no one near me was safe. Ball could have went anywhere. Now at least it you are behind me you've got a good chance of survival.

Breaking 100 used to be a rarity. Started with a 21 handicap that rose over my 1st 2 years playing to 22. Now in my 3rd year I'm playing a lot more competition golf and I've finally started to see some decent cuts coming in.

If I could cut out some very stupid mistakes I know I've got good game in me somewhere. Best 18 in comp is 12 over gross. Best ecletic 18 holes on my home course is 9 over gross (6 out 3 in) so if I could just get that to click together some day lol.
I didnt hit a ball till i was in my late 30's. Played for a year or so, non competition, and was playing to around 18/20 HC.

Started a new family and stopped playing regular for 10 years or so.

This year started again and got an officiall HC of 23.

Not been able to get a cut due to a club full of high HC,s. Even scoring 39 points last time out, I was 8th and didnt get a cut.

In bounce games and my society I am playing to 18, (using my own basic spreadsheet).

Won captains day last sunday scoring 40 points of a HC of 21 and won it by 8 clear points. Apperntly its going to cost me 6 shots for next years society HC..

So conceivably I could have a 15 HC in Society and a 23 HC with the club... Go figure....
Not been able to get a cut due to a club full of high HC,s. Even scoring 39 points last time out, I was 8th and didnt get a cut.

Sorry, could you explain this a bit further?

Is this because CSS in that comp was 3 shots below SSS? Cat4 scores don't affect CSS so that couldn't be the fault of the highest handicappers...
started playing as a teenager last century:o just played at muni's with mates in school holidays- gave it up when I discovered girls/drink/rock then joined a club in my mid 20's.

Started with an 18 h/cap and got to 5 in first season with 4 day a week practice and comp rounds sat and sun (Oh the days of no responsibilities or commitments lol)

got as low as 2.7 then back to 5 and been there or thereabouts this century:eek:

Desperate to get more consistent tee shots and putting to get lower before I physically cant:(
Some great reading there and it's encouraging to see your all making progression .

i've not long started out and like many have struggled to beat the dreaded 100 number but now breaking into the 90's. It does get to you but i'm enjoying it and can see slow progression you've give me confidence reading you'r stories .
Sorry, could you explain this a bit further?

Is this because CSS in that comp was 3 shots below SSS? Cat4 scores don't affect CSS so that couldn't be the fault of the highest handicappers...

I really wish I could explain further. Unfortunatley I just look on the board and see what it is. There is no indication of how or why?

I havn't really grasped the CSS/Category Handicap system. And it would seem neither has the handicap guy at the club.

It is a one man band to be fair. Maybe I just need to join a different club to get a proper HC.
I had never touched a golf club before 2006. had a massive slice when i started as came from Cricket and was very orth tech so hit a checked drive,which = slice.

first handicap was 24 in may and was down to 14 a few months later. was stuck on9 for 3years but down to 6, but been around 6'7 for the last couple of years.

had some lessons thi year but i think they put me back slightly.

Sorry to go off topic. Is this a common problem do you know? I had a lesson last week, my goal for the lessons is to stop the slice. The pro videod my swing and the main thing he picked up (there are only 2 things so far!) was that my follow through kind of follows the path of the ball rather than coming back around my body. To me it looked like a cricketer playing a nice 4 straight back past the bowler.

Is this a checked drive? If so, any tips on how to stop it? No idea where I've got it from as I haven't played cricket since school!