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Yay More Swing Videos


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Probably nothing's changed since the last ones, but January feels like a good time to put up another couple of swing videos. Don't expect many people to watch them, just anyone who's bored enough to give their two pennies worth, it will be appreciated. (y)

Sorry that the angle isn't perfectly down the line, I didn't check this until afterwards when I watched the videos back. I also realise it's hard to see the ball flight, but if any of them sliced right or did anything unusual I tried to indicate it with my hand afterwards. :LOL:

8 iron

Start with a positive - I actually think my iron swing is probably the best it's ever been at the moment. I've been trying to shorten my backswing - when I watched this back I realised it hadn't shortened at all really, but maybe the thought process of thinking about the backswing and possibly slowing it down a little is having a positive effect anyway. (If you see my videos from 2022 on my channel, I used to have a very short backswing, but I just can't seem to do it anymore. Albeit that was probably too short back then.)
(The one where I made a downwards patting motion with my hand means I fatted it, wasn't sure how to indicate that otherwise, haha.)


Now the problem child. (Video is really long, sorry, you can just pick a couple out, they're probably all the same.)

Since the last driver video I've changed my set-up - I previously had my stance quite open due to a flared left foot, I've now gone the other way and moved the right foot back to slightly close my stance if anything - I'm finding this a little bit helpful in not slicing the bloody thing. If I was to critique it myself, it does look as though I pick up the club a little on the way back - which is something I've always done but thought I'd improved on this - but I do find it difficult to take it back more on the inside as it feels like my head turns away from the ball. This might be contributing to the fact that my driver swing is eternally out-to-in no matter what I do.

I'm not trying to hit draws at the end of the day, but keeping a consistent fade and killing off the massive slices would be ideal. On the plus side, I don't see myself swinging massively over the top here, which is something I've occasionally done out on the course producing the EXTREMELY MASSIVE slice. I feel like the problem is just being slightly out-to-in and leaving the face a little bit too open to that.

Again, thanks to anyone who does watch and comment. Even abuse is welcome if it makes me laugh. 😁


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I could be wrong but it looks like you set up aiming slightly left, then when you pull your right foot back your shoulders stay aligned left?
Yeah, maybe. Is that bad? I'm always aiming left with driver because there's a 95% chance that it fades from where I'm aiming. Pulling the right foot back just closes my stance a little as I mentioned. I'm still going to fade it though, just hopefully not slice it - so I still need it to start a little left.


Nov 20, 2012
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Yeah, maybe. Is that bad? I'm always aiming left with driver because there's a 95% chance that it fades from where I'm aiming. Pulling the right foot back just closes my stance a little as I mentioned. I'm still going to fade it though, just hopefully not slice it - so I still need it to start a little left.

Further left you aim the more the slice can happen that is what I was told by a pro.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Further left you aim the more the slice can happen that is what I was told by a pro.
Ok, but if I aim straight up the middle and fade every drive into the right hand trees I'd be an idiot wouldn't I? It's catch-22. If you fade every drive you have to aim some amount left. I try not to overdo it - if I catch myself aiming at the left side trees, that's too far. I generally aim left edge of fairway, so if I get the typical fade it's fairway, if I hit it straight or pull it slightly I won't be in too much danger. If I slice it, it might just about stay in bounds on the right.


New member
Jan 13, 2025
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Hi there.


Your clubhead path goes back outside the target line on the way back and then goes left of the target line on the follow through. This is due your body tilting to much on both the backswing and follow through. Your right knee straightening and lack of your true power potential is also a consequence of this.

But dont panic, you are very close. Just need a couple drills to help you get the feeling of more rotation and right leg stability.

Ready, here goes...

Step 1:
Take your setup and raise your clubhead up as if you are hitting off a very high tee, lets say a 2 feet high. Sounds ridiculous but trust me.

Step 2:
Now swing back to the top of your backswing only thinking of keeping the flex in your right knee. Do this a few times and you will feel what rotation feels like as opposed to tilt.

Step 3:
Now go ahead and make full swings at this same height only concentrating on the right knee on the backswing. You should soon feel more compact and explosive through the air.

Step 4:
Now lower your imaginary tee to 1 foot high and do a few more full swings.(remember right knee)

Step 5:
Put a real ball on Driver height tee and hit a few shots, still only thinking of right knee. Not easy to do but its all part of the plan. Deep breaths!!

Step 6:
Now put the ball on a low tee and do the same thing a few times. Aah, much easier!!

Step 7: Put the ball on the deck and do thing same thing a few times

Rinse and repeat

Ps: One raised up practice swing can be used on the course to great effect for rotation and flow. Many great pros have used it over the years.

Look forward to hearing feedback after your next session



Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Hi there.


Your clubhead path goes back outside the target line on the way back and then goes left of the target line on the follow through. This is due your body tilting to much on both the backswing and follow through. Your right knee straightening and lack of your true power potential is also a consequence of this.

But dont panic, you are very close. Just need a couple drills to help you get the feeling of more rotation and right leg stability.

Ready, here goes...

Step 1:
Take your setup and raise your clubhead up as if you are hitting off a very high tee, lets say a 2 feet high. Sounds ridiculous but trust me.

Step 2:
Now swing back to the top of your backswing only thinking of keeping the flex in your right knee. Do this a few times and you will feel what rotation feels like as opposed to tilt.

Step 3:
Now go ahead and make full swings at this same height only concentrating on the right knee on the backswing. You should soon feel more compact and explosive through the air.

Step 4:
Now lower your imaginary tee to 1 foot high and do a few more full swings.(remember right knee)

Step 5:
Put a real ball on Driver height tee and hit a few shots, still only thinking of right knee. Not easy to do but its all part of the plan. Deep breaths!!

Step 6:
Now put the ball on a low tee and do the same thing a few times. Aah, much easier!!

Step 7: Put the ball on the deck and do thing same thing a few times

Rinse and repeat

Ps: One raised up practice swing can be used on the course to great effect for rotation and flow. Many great pros have used it over the years.

Look forward to hearing feedback after your next session

Just so I'm clear, you're saying my right knee should not straighten on the backswing? Or should not straighten at all?


New member
Jan 13, 2025
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Correct, it should stay flexed during the backswing.

You can try this now...step back onto your right foot as if you are about to throw a ball.

Your will notice your right knee will be flexed and more than likely the weight will be on the instep of your right foot before you move forward and throw it.

Same concept for golfswing.


New member
Jan 13, 2025
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Isn’t that old thinking?

Look at most pros now and they straighten their right leg in the swing (but not all the way)
Around a 10% straigtening during the real swing is manageable but anything more than that is going to get 99.9% of golfers in trouble. The left knee and hips still turn on the backswing, its just the right knee that needs to be flexed and loaded.

The key is to try practice strictly, so that when you are on the course, you will be closer to the mark and improve a little more every time.
#1 and #2 in the world as an example


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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Lack of depth in the swing jumps out at me when I see your swing.

Chris Ryan has a short video on it here. There is a million to choose from. This was one one I found just now that seems to keep it simple.



Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Lack of depth in the swing jumps out at me when I see your swing.

Chris Ryan has a short video on it here. There is a million to choose from. This was one one I found just now that seems to keep it simple.

Thanks. That's a pretty good video, explained it well. I have tried getting more of that depth in my backswing but I just don't seem to be able to do it. I don't feel like I'm flexible enough, or something, or I just can't quite get in that position. As I briefly mentioned in the OP, when I try and stretch that far back it feels like my head goes with it, and then I'm into the realm of missing the ball. 😆

3 jabber

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2024
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I would change 2 things.

1. Those joggers, look ridiculous

2. Right elbow. Get it more tucked in and use your body turn for greater consistency.

Tempo looks decent 👍


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Not trying to be rude, but haven't you previously said you don't practice much (lack of time/don't like it)? The magic bullet you are looking for doesn't exist without loads of practise.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Not trying to be rude, but haven't you previously said you don't practice much (lack of time/don't like it)? The magic bullet you are looking for doesn't exist without loads of practise.
Well I go to the driving range every Tuesday, usually. That's about as much practice as I can fit in. That's enough to work on something though as long as it's not a total swing change. (Which I've already done anyway.)


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Well I go to the driving range every Tuesday, usually. That's about as much practice as I can fit in. That's enough to work on something though as long as it's not a total swing change. (Which I've already done anyway.)
Must be mistaking you for someone else :cool: Apologies


Aug 18, 2024
Ascot - Berkshire
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Honestly not a bad swing. Main thing I see is your right elbow gets a long way out and a little disconnected, especially considering your plane is (albeit only just) on the steep side. You might benefit from this training aid.

Main result of this is it'll be hard to deliver a consistent club path.

Same issue with driver. Your wrist is also 'cupping' at the top of your swing with driver which is contributing to the club going so far past horizontal.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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Came here after the weight swing thread. :)

Although the camera isn't straight down the line at the angle it's at I'd expect to see way more of your left bicep at address. Although you are pulling your right foot back your shoulders are already open and pointing up the left but now you have your hips closed so your alignment is kinda all over the place. Throw in that your takeaway is also way outside you are setting everything up to swing massively to the left.

Also your wrist is pretty cupped at the top of the backswing, I'd experiment with having a feeling of having that left wrist straighter or even bowed at the top. Hitting shots straight left would be a good thing for you, you just then need to change your aiming point.

For the setup, have a watch of this.

Also this guy on one of Danny Maude's video highlights the exact same thing with the shoulders/arms at setup.



Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Came here after the weight swing thread. :)

Although the camera isn't straight down the line at the angle it's at I'd expect to see way more of your left bicep at address. Although you are pulling your right foot back your shoulders are already open and pointing up the left but now you have your hips closed so your alignment is kinda all over the place. Throw in that your takeaway is also way outside you are setting everything up to swing massively to the left.

Also your wrist is pretty cupped at the top of the backswing, I'd experiment with having a feeling of having that left wrist straighter or even bowed at the top. Hitting shots straight left would be a good thing for you, you just then need to change your aiming point.

For the setup, have a watch of this.

Also this guy on one of Danny Maude's video highlights the exact same thing with the shoulders/arms at setup.

Thanks - I have a feeling I've already seen both of those, but will watch them again. 😄

Pulling the right foot back was a bit of a 'quick-fix' attempt I guess - it's almost trying to make me pull it into the target line rather than swinging out to in across that line. I think I need to just get back to a conventional set-up but really focus on getting the takeaway correct and not pick the club up outside the line and steep. At the driving range last night, when I really worked on this takeaway move (feeling left shoulder more under my chin) I did hit it better. But it feels unnatural so at some point in a round I stop doing it without realising.