Wy can't we have golf clothes ?


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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A slightly different take on the dress codes debates

Why doesn't golf have it's own sport-specific clothing

We have
-baseball caps
- cycling sunglasses (oakleys)
-Polo shirts
- Chinos (which are military wear)

The closest thing we've actually got are golf shoes, and they are rapidly being overtaken by street shoes
Plus fours.........oh no that's shooting.

I think we should strike a blow for the traditionalists amongst us and start wearing

Three cornered black hats.
Long red frock coats.
Black britches
White silk stockings.
Black buckled studded shoes.

That's settled then.
Visor?? or did that come from Tennis...or croupiers...

What about those biometric wrist band things... surely only a sport like golf could entertain such madness.
What do you suggest then? You must have something in mind to start the thread?

Dual purpose post:
- Friday night see what light hearted posts crop up
- thinly veiled barb at those on dress code threads who say "footballers wear football gear, cricketers wear cricket gear, so we should wear polo shirts , cycling glasses, American military trousers etc and you will accept it cos that's golf tradition and the rules ... "

lights touch powder ...