Wrist tendonitis


Feb 13, 2013
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So I finally found a sport/game I enjoy, and after playing no more than half a dozen 9 hole rounds, Im having to 'rest' my wrist.

Im right handed and smashed my left wrist up pretty badly about 7 years ago mountain biking, broke the scaffoid in half and had several hairline fractures throughout, leaving me with a metal pin through my scaffoid, limited motion, clicking and occasional pain ever since.

In the last four months I have developed a lot of pain around the ulnar side (other side to scaffoid) and from what I can gather this seems like tendonitis caused largely from golf (and in my case, probably a poor grp and swing....).

I have my wrist splinted all the time at the moment, using ice packs in the evening, taking ibuprofen regularly and have a physio appt. in a week. But I am unable to rest it properly as I am a mechanic, specialising in custom built exhaust, so kind of involves a fair bit of heavy lifting at awkard angles. In 2 months I should be going self employed as a window cleaner so that should be a little better as will involve less twisting of wrist.

Just wondering if anyone has any advise or suggestions? If I can get it to heal up, I am probably going to get a lesson or two at my local golf club with the pro there and see if he can help me improve my grip and swing. Other than that Im open to suggestions!



P.S. For what its worth im using a set of ladies graphite clubs, was kinda of hoping this may reduce any shock through wrist.


I had tendonitis in my left wrist when I was about 20-22 when I used to climb. Some days it was agony and I couldn't even hold a cup of tea. It is only rest that will cure it. Are you self employed or can your doctor not sign you off for a few weeks?

I had a hot wax treatment (no, I'm not a car) through the NHS which was great at reducing pain however I'n not sure they even do that now. It was tremendously helpful. Worth looking into that.


Nov 16, 2011
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Seems like proper medical advice is required, but I fear golf is going to be too percussive for you!

Have you considered Tennis? As much/little exercise as you want and only really uses the right hand.