Tour Winner
Having trouble attaching the documents so here goes manually inputting the details.
I hope everyone is happy with the draw, I have tried where possiblr to mix the handicaps so each group has a good spread.
I will be out first so I can be in the clubhouse when you finish to collect the scorecards and collate the scores.
Wednesday 25th September
first tee time 0753
1) full_throttle, hooper, warbur, blue in munich
2) fundy, el bandito, amandajr, amandajr guest
3) hobbit, lollfred, lollfred guest, charlie (buggy reserved)
4) richardc, richardc guest, richardc guest, philthefragger
5) rdiblasi, three guests
Friday 27th September
first tee time 0745
1) full_throttle, f_t guest, homerjsimson, G1BB0 (buggy reserved)
2) pieman, blundell, rickg, oxfordcomma
3) arnoldarmchewer, tallpaul, sev112, swingalot
4) region3, crhrisd, socky, rob2
5) paddyc, lig, pbrown7582, myoung19
6) wookie, wookie guest, mashlyr7, wildrover
7) licoln quaker, lq guest, mkdave
I hope everyone is happy with the draw, I have tried where possiblr to mix the handicaps so each group has a good spread.
I will be out first so I can be in the clubhouse when you finish to collect the scorecards and collate the scores.
Wednesday 25th September
first tee time 0753
1) full_throttle, hooper, warbur, blue in munich
2) fundy, el bandito, amandajr, amandajr guest
3) hobbit, lollfred, lollfred guest, charlie (buggy reserved)
4) richardc, richardc guest, richardc guest, philthefragger
5) rdiblasi, three guests
Friday 27th September
first tee time 0745
1) full_throttle, f_t guest, homerjsimson, G1BB0 (buggy reserved)
2) pieman, blundell, rickg, oxfordcomma
3) arnoldarmchewer, tallpaul, sev112, swingalot
4) region3, crhrisd, socky, rob2
5) paddyc, lig, pbrown7582, myoung19
6) wookie, wookie guest, mashlyr7, wildrover
7) licoln quaker, lq guest, mkdave