Woburn (part 2) Sept 2013

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Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Visit site
Due to the high number of request, I have now booked the following dates at Woburn, Wednesday 25th September and Friday 27th September. The Marquiss course is unavailable so we will be playing both the Dukes and Duchess course’s. The day will start with a bacon roll and coffee, with a meal (carvery or buffet, depending on numbers) between the two rounds of golf.
Places are limited to 28 per day so if you want in I need a commitment in the form of some money.

I have tried to place everybody on their chosen date, but quite a few have left it up to me to put them where the space is.

The breakdown is
Wednesday 25th September.
1 full_throttle
2 philthhefragger
3 richardc
4 richardc 1
5 richardc 2
6 charlie
7 rdiblasi75
8 rdibalsi75 1
9 rdiblasi75 2
10 rdiblasi75 3
11 amandajr
12 dave (Amanda)
13 hooper
14 lollfred
15 lollfred guest
16 lig
17 warbur
18 el bandito
19 fundy
20 hobbit
Friday 27th September.
1 full_throttle
2 fullthrottle guest
3 mkdave
4 myoung19
5 arnoldarmchewer
6 socky
7 pieman
8 pieman guest (blundell
9 rob2
10 fozzie
11 chrisd
12 paddyc
13 pbrown7582
14 swingalot
15 scienceboy

Members wanting October need to let me know if they are still available and which of the two dates they prefer

wookie guest
Pencil me in for the Friday please Rob. That will make a nice birthday game of golf seeing as it is my B'day on the 28th.....:lol:

I will let you know tomorrow once I have checked with work.

Rob, if there are now spaces available and everyone from the original March list has their preferred days then I'd love to be a part of this, put me down for Friday 27th please.
Thought I put a preference for September so can you put me down for the Friday please

Rob, if there are now spaces available and everyone from the original March list has their preferred days then I'd love to be a part of this, put me down for Friday 27th please.

pencil me in for the 27th please Rob :D

Pencil me in for the Friday please Rob. That will make a nice birthday game of golf seeing as it is my B'day on the 28th.....:lol:

I will let you know tomorrow once I have checked with work.


Friday please Rob..

Rob, I know I said I couldn't make it before but I've put the feelers out at work and I should be ok, can you put me down for the 27th please and cancel my refund.

Gentlemen your all in for Friday.

Due to some people having to withdraw I am now having to refund money, so please if you are new to the list can I have some form of commitment, a deposit of £35 now would be good with £50 in May and a further £50 in June/July.

If you require payment details please PM me so as ot to clog up this thread.

I'm struggling to follow this :confused:

You state entry is limited to 28 per day but your list only goes to 24 and with the names already on it and those now above showing interest, this is already full!

There also seems to be a lot of guests going straight in, surely guests should be a last resort when it starts to stutter after looking for forum members to commit.

Not wanting to be too controversial, but here goes anyway, 1 person has 3 guests, that's 15% of the field that day and had never posted before and hasn't posted outside of the Woburn threads in over 5 months! Surely these meets are to meet fellow "active" forum members, have the craic and form new friendships etc etc. Personally I don't think that example fits the bill :mmm:

Nothing personal against him, just an observation and a personal opinion.

I'm interested in Friday where there seems to be more individual members that I'll meet and hopefully meet again in the future ;)
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