Wierd round of bad luck today.....


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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Have you ever had one of those rounds of golf where you hit the golf ball as good as you have ever done yet ended up with a bad score?

Any other day, the golf I played would have resulted in a mid 70's round of golf, but not today, yet, every drive but one I hit straight (neither fade nor draw)and down the middle or chosen side of fairway, yet only one finished down the middle. Every approach shot bar one, were very good golf shots, bang on target and 9 times out of 10 would have finished lovely, but not today.

Even my playing partner said he'd never seen so many good golf shots finish so badly. I must've caught every bad bounce location on the course today, and everything that followed the bad bounces made things worse, like kicking into bunkers, or ditches or ponds when really they should not have done so.

I feel like I played great golf today,apart from one hole, yet the score was rubbish. I had a question mark above my head all day today?

I started off with 3 pars today, all of which were near birdies, then a fourth straight forward par. Then the next hole, a massive drive 'straight' down the middle, that kicked right with every bounce, then rolled down a slope into a pond some 320 yds away, I have never hit this pond even with a fade that hit the middle before.Took a drop, hit a beauty straight for the flag, bad bounce in front of green kicked sharp right into bunker, finished with a 6. Next hole was another big drive into slight head wind par 5, but the ball flew straight, hit the deck, kicked right and tucked itself up against a sapling, leaving nothing but a left handed shot to get it anywhere, popped out on fairway, beautifully struck 3w heading straight for the desired spot, took a kick left into fairway bunker, leaving me no backswing, got out with a crafty shot straight into a divot hole, finished with a 7.
This went on for the rest of the round, no really bad golf shots, in fact some superb ones, yet the finish was unreal sometimes. I have never had this happen so much in one round before, especially when I am playing well :D
I can understand this happening with a draw or fade or worse, I can understand the odd one from a good shot finishing poorly but it happened from the 5th hole onwards today :D :D

Its a brand new experience for me after 30 yrs of playing. :D
Its just so wierd, I feel like I played lovely golf shots today with no reward :D

Back to the drawing board. :D :D
Sounds like you were describing one of my rounds.... Played a very similar round on Tuesday, when everything was perfect leaving the tee, but did not get justice after the bounce.... Frustrating, but thats golf!

Here's to the next round ;)
..It happens. Next round you could be playing like a plonker and every ball you hit into the trees comes out to the middle of the fairway, the ball heading for the water somehow bounces over or just gets held up, you over hit a pitch shot and it hits the flag and stops dead, etc etc.

Don't worry about it. It's all down to the golfing gods on the day.

I know it happens, but today was special, it happened on every hole following the first 4 holes :D Never seen this or experienced such consistency before :D :D
..It happens. Next round you could be playing like a plonker and every ball you hit into the trees comes out to the middle of the fairway, the ball heading for the water somehow bounces over or just gets held up, you over hit a pitch shot and it hits the flag and stops dead, etc etc.

Don't worry about it. It's all down to the golfing gods on the day.
It happens and like others have said you can play the next round and not feel as though you've played anywhere near as well and have a great score. I won a medal the other month and didn't feel I'd hit a good shot all round. I knew I'd chipped and putted well but no one shot had made me think I'd swung it well. Went out in the following comp and strike the ball much better in my eyes and missed the buffer with ease. No sense. Mind you it does sound as though the golfing gods were really on your case today. Not sure how you appease them before your next round. Maybe offer a sacrificial Pro V????
I don't think you need to go back to the drawing board Herbie.
Take heart from knowing that it was the course today :( and not your game going wrong.

It's strange after all your years of golf, that you should experience this, but only goes to prove what this wonderful game of golf can throw up at you.

Rest assured it will be completely different next time mate :D :D :D

I don't think you need to go back to the drawing board Herbie.
Take heart from knowing that it was the course today :( and not your game going wrong.

It's strange after all your years of golf, that you should experience this, but only goes to prove what this wonderful game of golf can throw up at you.

Rest assured it will be completely different next time mate :D :D :D


Oh I have experienced frequent bad results from good shots, but this was 18 holes of good shots but 14 of them awful results, one after the other and the shots themselves were very accurate (apart from a couple the whole round) what I mean about this round is that I have never hit so consistantly accurate for 18 holes and got such consistant bad bounces or kicks over 14 consecutive holes. Even a par 3 where I hit middle/ right half shot right and off the green, after examining where it hit the green, a little piece of twig was embeded in the pitch mark? (Off someones shoe or blown there I presume?)thats the level of luck I was having, ok, I still made par on that one, but its the result of the first shot that is relevant here. We are talking about 26 to 28 1st 2nd or 3rd shots on the hole over 14 holes being well struck, accurate and with a good flight and little affect of weather, taking poor bounces or kicks into poor or bad finishes, this to me is something I have never had before, but I have had several random bad boys from good golf, many times over many years as most golfers do or will, this was different today. ;)

PS... I was joking about the drawing board :D the shots I hit today, id be daft to do that. ;)