When you think today isn't your day - a personal best, medal win & cut


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Well after a poor January medal but a couple of nearest the pin wins two weeks in the bounce last week I was all confident on our weekly swindle only to shot a 27 over off 15. As you can imagine I wasn't impressed but I took the positives that were left from last weeks game and moved on. Having missed this weeks Tuesday night range session I thought I'd hit the range at 7:30 this morning for a bucket to loosen up before our February medal. Half way through the bucket although I was loose I was hitting sone questionable shots so decided to leave what was left and hit the club house for sone breakfast before our 9am start. I have to say at this point I was tempted to call today off but against my better judgement opted to continue.

After all my range shots had featured my old hook I was worried abc as luck would have it I was drawn in the first group, great an audience to see my dodgy old hook. A few near perfect practice swings and off we go. Cue hook, long but down the left behind the trees and about 30 ft short of being obb. Ok not big problems but not nice. 5i chip under the tree and a monster 5w see's me sitting off the fringe just short for 3 on a par 5. A chip and two shocking putts and I'm down for 6, I'll take it.

After a scrambling front 9 I'm 7 over and can count some really questionable putts that have cost me 2 birdies from less than 10ft, two resulting in 3 putts. But let's take the positives. Off 15 I'm about there to my h/c and although tatty gives me a good start for the back 9.  That along with nearest the pin on our 8th at around 8ft in a tricky pin position us all good.  

Onwards and upwards with a par,  bogey (on si 1) par, bogey, par, bogey, birdie, bogey & par finish see's my final card end up gross 78 net 63 with a CSS of 68.

So thats me, winner of out February medal nett 5 under, with a course personal best of gross 78 off the whites in a tricky wind, and more importantly now 1.5 off my h/c with a new official 13.6. Also nearest the pin on the 12th too

What's harsh is looking back I know I threw atleast 5-6 strokes away on silly putts. 


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Here's hoping leftie, got a short game lesson on Tuesday to try and sort this putting stroke out, but the winter work is coming together quite nicely. What's great is out swindle also runs even when medals are on , so 47 points off my swindle h/c saw me take £30 in the swindle win, £12 for my nearest the pin and £5 on a side bet. £47 in the pocket and a cut is a good day

:D :D


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Good scoring even though you struggled a bit early on. good confidence boost for the start of the year..... :)

Just got to sort HHS putting Charlie , through to next round of our winter singles too, I'm gonna miss that shot :( ;)


Never look back at what you left out there as you tend to overlook that lucky break you got on the 11th or whatever hole, you forget that lip in, that up and down which 9 times out of 10 you wouldn't have made.

As everyone else has said, take the positives and well done on smashing your handicap.



Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Not until this putting is sorted chris. My swindle h/c has been cut to 8 so let's see next weeks score lol!

Cheers Crawford, it was by no means my neatest round but I hear ya. I suppose the 5/6 wasted putts were balanced by a couple of bits of luck :)


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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Well played Oddsocks. :cool:

You just shot the round of your life, and still not satisfied saying you left shots out there. Not having a go here, it makes me smile, we all do it don't we - always want more. :( :D



Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Leftie, excuse me on this one but what htl? Still trying to get all the Initials understood. HID didn't go down to well when she read the forum " who you calling her in doors " lol


Tour Winner
Dec 9, 2007
19th hole
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In caps mate ... HTL

Homer's ex bosom buddy, wears a big sombrero, has a long Tom Selleck moustache on steroids, and was last seen riding into the sunset over the Mexican border after he and Homer broke it off.

If you search on his name, all will become clear
:D :D


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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yesturday wasnt bad around here, it mainly effected the par 3's as you was either playing one less or one more depending on wind direction, but it was only 1 to 1.5 clubs more on average. The good thing is when ever you was in doubt, up one club as the greens are still super soft. Just meant the pitch fork got a right working.

Where i did notice the difference (or atleast i think i did) was putting down wind when it was gusty, well thats the excuse im trying to use given some putts were a bit.....er.....long ;)


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 5, 2009
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I played with a scotsman on Saturday who knows how to play in these windy conditions, and on our 3rd into the teeth of the wind he hit a 5 wood of our fairway and tried to keep it low, somehow the wind got underneath it, it climbed and came down about 120 yards in front of him. He just looked around and started laughing.
I think my playing partner, who is a reasonably long hitter, hit an 8 iron in from 120 yards on the same hole.
We were definately hitting 2 and sometimes 3 clubs lower into the wind.
Funny enough i played quite well, and had 33 points after 17 holes when we won Winter Knock Out match. I didn't count the 18th as I experimented with a shot, and dumped the ball into the pond, bloody cross-wind.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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You wouldn't make a mystery write Oddsocks, you gave away the finish in the title !

Well done, just shows you never know when a good score is just around the corner. Single figures before the end of the year ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I played with a scotsman on Saturday who knows how to play in these windy conditions, and on our 3rd into the teeth of the wind he hit a 5 wood of our fairway and tried to keep it low, somehow the wind got underneath it, it climbed and came down about 120 yards in front of him. He just looked around and started laughing.
I think my playing partner, who is a reasonably long hitter, hit an 8 iron in from 120 yards on the same hole.
We were definately hitting 2 and sometimes 3 clubs lower into the wind.
Funny enough i played quite well, and had 33 points after 17 holes when we won Winter Knock Out match. I didn't count the 18th as I experimented with a shot, and dumped the ball into the pond, bloody cross-wind.

That happened to me a few weeks back. our 8th is a par 3 158 yards to the middle and down hill slightly, no wind on a average 10-15* day and its a solid 8 iron. a few weeks back was a bit of a cold day with a wind coming directly at you. I nailed one of the best 6irons i could ever hit and once it climbed above tree level, it just took off in the wind and finished around 10 yards short. one of the best up and down saves though. :D