What are your electric charges?

Outfox the Market. The latest bill is hard to read, but after the government price guarantee "discount" it's about 33p/kWh.
Without the discount, the price seems to have just dropped from 65p to 49p.

31.22p elec all day

It is the standing charge that can be the killer use no elec and it still costs over £200.

31.22p elec all day

It is the standing charge that can be the killer use no elec and it still costs over £200.
The good news is Cornwall insight is saying the price cap will fall to £2063 in July so when the price guarantee ends from government the cap will fall below the £2500 it's held at ATM

Energy firms are ready to release some fixed deals again

44.25p/kWh day - 17.74p/kWh night (7 hours)

45.66p/day standing charge which is the most criminal thing out there IMO.
At the moment averaging £7.50-£8/day (Electricity plus Gas - standard tariff’)

Electricity 33.5/kWh

Standing charge 49.6p/day
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Is that plus standing charge?

OVO combined standing charge per annum is over £300

Just realised you are not in the UK. Putin and the war with Ukraine has had a massive effect on European energy costs mine have gone up 3 fold. Russia is the major supplier of gas to Europe and in the UK we have a lot of gas powered electricity stations.

Factor in our winter temperatures and you will see why it is so expensive here.
Just realised you are not in the UK. Putin and the war with Ukraine has had a massive effect on European energy costs mine have gone up 3 fold. Russia is the major supplier of gas to Europe and in the UK we have a lot of gas powered electricity stations.

Factor in our winter temperatures and you will see why it is so expensive here.

Not the entire truth tho is it. Years of underinvestment in our own supplies leaving us to have to use cheap gas from abroad rather than building more nuclear, wind etc

Also the ridiculous coupling of electric prices to gas prices that is now in process of trying to be uncoupled as cost of renewable energy doesn't rise but we are charged for it

Add that to the poor way ofgen let some dodgy companies set up to trade for energy who didn't have the capital to cover loses that we all paying for now

Putin played his part but with proper preparation it would have been small fry

The gas storage (is it called the rock?) Should never have been closed without another one ready..least that's been brought back online to help stabilise measures
