Used my free Hex Black.

sydney greenstreet

Journeyman Pro
Feb 7, 2012
West Lothian
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Played my local yesterday and tried the Hex Black's I got from the subscription with the mag last year, WOW shot a PB at my local 9 holer +4, felt great from tee-green and kept the same ball all the way round. Do not know if it was the ball or me but the longest I have hit in a long time and every fairway hit. :thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Played my local yesterday and tried the Hex Black's I got from the subscription with the mag last year, WOW shot a PB at my local 9 holer +4, felt great from tee-green and kept the same ball all the way round. Do not know if it was the ball or me but the longest I have hit in a long time and every fairway hit. :thup:

I had the same ball with my subscription.

If only I hadn't lost them all :-(

I remember the check and spin I felt that I got with those balls were brilliant.

My mate has recently brought a job lot of the Callaway X Hot Hex balls exclusive to Costco, its funny how when he hits them they completely balloon up! He hit his regular ball and the fake Hex and everytime there was a big difference.


The HEX back is a awesome ball. I tried some before they were released and was very impressed. The way they drill through the wind is amazing.