Unusual ways of gripping


Club Champion
Apr 13, 2016
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HI all, back after a lengthy lay off to spend time with my second son. Now he's settled in i can get back to golf.

So whats new? My swing has been so so of late. I've been using my own sort of right sided swing (reverse K setup) which is helping. I had 2 issues.
1) wrists collapsing at top of swing causing an overswing
2) having a total inability to square the clubface consistantly.

I have found a grip that has sorted these problems. Its called the Power Thumb grip. Its part of a system called Symple Swing and i use their short game system with the above grip which, if you google it, is pretty weird.

The full swing is garbage but the grip, providing you dont roll the hands till after impact, makes it really hard to slice.

Really starting to like it the grip as it also stops me over using the wrists.
So has anyone else found success in a less than conventional grip?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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not something I'd recommend to anyone to be real honest
but understand folks try out stuff to help make compensations for little ways better shot outcomes

as just starting back on the golf trail best course of action would be a series of lessons to get grip, set-up etc in a sound condition to help make little ways better swing motion - as to use compensations to fix compensations over time will only serve to make any real progress pretty near impossible

often the problem issue stems from a hold on the handle that's too far aways from the more norm optimum range which tends itself to lead to compensations at set-up then the swing motion - so it's kinda a triple whammy

grip found is not goin to allow the best natural set of the hands goin back or release through impact - so goin to be an issue with both being able to generate CHS & squaring up the face angle

often times the arms collapse at the elbow a hand collapse letting go the handle some particularly with the lead hand then re-gripping into the downswing are concerned with grip and set-up but also how the swing starts with a lack of good connection between the arm motion and the upper body rotation (turn/pivot)
often times folks can, looking for swing width from the get-go have a tendency to overstretch both arms in the takeback and lose pretty much from the get-go good connection (natural width) between the arms and body

so then the trail arm is stopped from correctly folding - leads to both arms a ways over straight with the hands at around shoulder height hands don't really set and the club is pointing up and away from the golfer
subconsciously golfer knows the club shaft should be somewheres around horizontal to the ground atop the swing and pointing parallel to the target line - only ways to be able to get there from where they are at is by collapsing both arms (elbow bend) and often times also with the hands re-gripping issue especially the lead hand then the weight of the club levers on the hands

other ways often times see the 'collapse' atop the swing issue is again around connection arms to turn issue even without any real overstretch there can be the arms moving away independently from a body turn so mostly arm movement no real rotation or turn with upper body so the lack of turn is going to stop the arms prematurely club way short of where the golfer 'knows' it should get to and again only ways it can happen is by an arm collapse/hand collapse

these kinda out of sync swing top positions means it's then real difficult to connect the hands/arms/club back up with the body in the short space of time in the downswing which leads to a fair bunch of different kinda impact contact & face alignment issues