University standards...


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Aug 29, 2011
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Got to the time when I have to start looking at university (scary stuff) and its shocked me how high the standards it are nowadays, I expected many of the top universities to ask for straight As but I was really surprised at how many of what I'd consider not as prestigious unis are still asking for AAB-ABB... It's not gonna be an easy ride!
thats what 20 years of grade inflation does to the system eh :)

good luck with it, time to buckle down and get buried in those books (that or its sunny out, go and have a quick 9 holes first lol)
Got to the time when I have to start looking at university (scary stuff) and its shocked me how high the standards it are nowadays, I expected many of the top universities to ask for straight As but I was really surprised at how many of what I'd consider not as prestigious unis are still asking for AAB-ABB... It's not gonna be an easy ride!

they'll ask for them now, they'll be less picky come clearing :D

you want to do something really scary, don't get into your first choice, choose somewhere through clearing and turn up at freshers week not really knowing where you are in the country :thup:
My advice? Work hard and do something vocational at Uni. Or a science. Or a language.

The rest are not worth the debt in my opinion. I certainly would not do my degree again if I was your age.

Mine was a 2:1 in Philosophy from Manchester if anyone is wondering!
My advice? Work hard and do something vocational at Uni. Or a science. Or a language.

The rest are not worth the debt in my opinion. I certainly would not do my degree again if I was your age.

Mine was a 2:1 in Philosophy from Manchester if anyone is wondering!

agree with this. my wife has a vocation, I have a professional job (kind of). She enjoys it more and earns as much.

I did an English degree many years ago, I sometimes wistfully wish I had an actual skill
agree with this. my wife has a vocation, I have a professional job (kind of). She enjoys it more and earns as much.

I did an English degree many years ago, I sometimes wistfully wish I had an actual skill

If I could start over again, I would have worked hard at school (instead of getting expelled!) and would have done a medicine degree. That or modern languages. Easy in hindsight of course.
My advice? Work hard and do something vocational at Uni. Or a science. Or a language.

The rest are not worth the debt in my opinion. I certainly would not do my degree again if I was your age.

Mine was a 2:1 in Philosophy from Manchester if anyone is wondering!

I doubt anyone was.
Not high enough IMO.
Most of the graduates I have worked with have been lacking in many skills. Lots looking for an easy time in the workplace and had a total shock when the had to do 'proper work'.
I like the German model where most do an apprenticeship for three years first, gathering some real working skills at a foundation level, then go to Uni and graduate at around 24/25 ready for the workplace.
History is what I'm most passionate about, particularly 20th century, can't get enough of it so that's what I want to study at uni :) I really like the look of Warwick, LSE and Exeter but they're all straight A entry requirements so I need to look at some fall back ones if I don't get the grades! It's also just starting to sink in how much it all really costs... at least 9 grand a year for tuition fees, typically between 4-6 grand a year for accommodation and then on top of that there's food and travel costs etc :(
History is what I'm most passionate about, particularly 20th century, can't get enough of it so that's what I want to study at uni :) I really like the look of Warwick, LSE and Exeter but they're all straight A entry requirements so I need to look at some fall back ones if I don't get the grades! It's also just starting to sink in how much it all really costs... at least 9 grand a year for tuition fees, typically between 4-6 grand a year for accommodation and then on top of that there's food and travel costs etc :(

Our eldest is just finishing her first year at Lincoln.
Dont get stressed by the fees, in practice it isnt as bad as you think.

Course fees (9000 pa) go on a student loan , plus she can add about 3500 pa to that as a maintenance loan which pays for a chunk of her accommodation, so in reality we are paying her 75 a week for food/beer money and paying the difference between the maintenance loan and hall fees (about 1000 over the year). The maintenance loan is dependent on your parents income and can be up to 5500

as for the loan repayments, she wont pay anything until she starts earning over 20k and then its something like £20 per month, even on 25K repayments are only 25 a month. even though she will come out with a debt of over £36000

All loans get written off after 30 years, so in reality dont worry about it, and certainly dont pay the thing off with a lump sum later.

All you need is here

good luck
History is what I'm most passionate about, particularly 20th century, can't get enough of it so that's what I want to study at uni :)

Don't go to Uni for that - just give Leftie a call, he's lived through it all and will tell you whatever you need to know!!! :whistle: