Ryder Cup Winner
The following was taken from the Guardian.
'The biggest baby boom in the UK for 40 years contributed to the country's population growing more quickly than that of any other EU country last year. The UK population reached 63.7 million in mid-2012, according to annual estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), an increase of just under 420,000
Of the population growth, 61% was due to there being 254,400 more births than deaths over the period. The total of 813,200 births was the biggest number seen in the annual ONS figures since 1972.'
Should we concerned about this?
'The biggest baby boom in the UK for 40 years contributed to the country's population growing more quickly than that of any other EU country last year. The UK population reached 63.7 million in mid-2012, according to annual estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), an increase of just under 420,000
Of the population growth, 61% was due to there being 254,400 more births than deaths over the period. The total of 813,200 births was the biggest number seen in the annual ONS figures since 1972.'
Should we concerned about this?