Trolley bag or carry bag


Club Champion
Jul 20, 2011
Like the title says, what do you use and why?
I'm looking at getting a new bag to replace my cheapo carry/stand bag and am wanting a trolly bag but for the life of me I can't see why anyone would want to carry a bag around a golf course, or am I missing something.
Summer it's a leccy trolley and a cart bag. Winter it's carry all the way, I cannot be bothered trying to keep the trolley free from mud
I have both. Tend to use the carry bag for 9 holes after work or in the depths of winter with areas roped off & a long route round for trolleys. Trolley bag & trolley will come out for 36 holes. 18 holes I am currently carrying as no need to carry much beyond clubs, iffy weather where I will need to carry waterproofs or warm clothing in case but not necessarily wear it then the trolley bag is back out.
I tend towards laziness therefore a trolley bag all the way.

I do have a little pencil bag for if I'm practising on our academy course.
Both. I have the full leccy trolley/tour bag setup for 36 holers or dodgy weather when I need all my gear but actually prefer to use my pencil bag, just find it so much easier.
Iv ruptured both of my Achilles Tendons over the past 4 years...... Initially my better half bought me a hill billy terrain when i had the first injury so i wouldnt have pressure on the leg after it healed.....
For a year and a half i used this...... I got pretty used to it...... Then once i got full use of the leg back i decided to start carrying to try and strengthen it up again....Another year and a half passed and i did the second achilles.....Cue 4 months in a cast again at the start of last year and again once i got better i started carrying..... My trolly and cart bag now have dust on them....

Why do i carry.......I can walk anywhere i want with the bag on my back....Its great for walking across greens to chip on rather than leaving my trolley at the side and carrying 2 wedges and a putter with me to save time.... I can carry the hole bag and use whichever club i need....
I can walk up on to tee boxes and leave it right alongside me while i deliberate what club ill need....
The only downside i see is that some people havent a clue how to walk with them.... They walk very slouched over and the bag is always low down on their back rather than being high up.....This is where back problems occur.....

So the reason i carry is to strengthen up my leg muscles and for convenience....
Carry for me, its great not messing around with trolleys in the car and having to walk around greens and keep to trolly routes ect ect
Carry for me, its great not messing around with trolleys in the car and having to walk around greens and keep to trolly routes ect ect

^^^This plus I also like to feel 'close' to my clubs, in that by carrying I can touch and feel my clubs (yes I know that sounds weird - but I also sniff books :))

However my back is not so clever these days and so will often use a trolley - and will also do so when it's hot - and when playing tracks like Tyrells Wood...
Oh to add there is also less chance of your trolley running down a green side slop and fully submerging into the pond on the 3rd of the Brabazon... Not mentioning any names but its a possibility :rofl:
^^^This plus I also like to feel 'close' to my clubs, in that by carrying I can touch and feel my clubs (yes I know that sounds weird - but I also sniff books :))

However my back is not so clever these days and so will often use a trolley - and will also do so when it's hot - and when playing tracks like Tyrells Wood...

Mind it doesn't drag you down the hills & put your back out again.......
^^^This plus I also like to feel 'close' to my clubs, in that by carrying I can touch and feel my clubs (yes I know that sounds weird - but I also sniff books :))

However my back is not so clever these days and so will often use a trolley - and will also do so when it's hot - and when playing tracks like Tyrells Wood...

I sniff books too its not wierd :rofl:

I have a stand bag on a 2 wheel cart at the moment, upgrading to a 3 wheel cart shortly

Not sure about a cart bag though mine sits lovely on my trolley unlike the mother in law who has a cart bag which continually twists round
Not sure about a cart bag though mine sits lovely on my trolley unlike the mother in law who has a cart bag which continually twists round

The benenfit o having antitwist built in is under rated IMO.

I have both cart bag and stand bag use according to type of round and conditions but preferred choice is trolley and cart bag.
Each is top in its primary use i.e to carry a carry or trolly a trolly but I find it's easier to carry a trolly bag than it is to trolly a carry bag!

(so I use a buggy :) )
Electric trolley and trolley bag through the summer as all the drink I carry weighs a tonne. Our course gets really muddy through winter so I carry a stand bag. Can't really explain it but I much prefer carrying.