"Travellers" have taken over the golf club!!!!

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Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
Visit site
Now, I'm going to have to be careful here. I wouldn't want to generalise. I've just popped up to the club and have found out that a "pack" of travellers have smashed down the entrance barrier and taken residence on the car park. The place is already littered with rubbish and other stuff. I dread to think of the damage that is going to be caused whilst they are there considering the damage they have already caused in the 2 days they have been squatting.

Does anyone have any experience of this? The consensus is that there's nothing we can do for 4 weeks. I don't think the club can afford 4 weeks of occupation. Genuinely worried.
Now, I'm going to have to be careful here. I wouldn't want to generalise. I've just popped up to the club and have found out that a "pack" of travellers have smashed down the entrance barrier and taken residence on the car park. The place is already littered with rubbish and other stuff. I dread to think of the damage that is going to be caused whilst they are there considering the damage they have already caused in the 2 days they have been squatting.

Does anyone have any experience of this? The consensus is that there's nothing we can do for 4 weeks. I don't think the club can afford 4 weeks of occupation. Genuinely worried.
if they caused criminal damage to gain access(this must be proved)they can all be arrested and evicted,i assume the car park is private property? if so they are trespassing and can be arrested and made to pay for any damage caused.
General rule of thumb is that the police will not prosecute travelers for trespass.
Very difficult to prove that they broke the barrier.

Club need to take out an injunction which takes time.
If the car park is council owned then things can generally get sorted within 4 days.
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Hide the silver, make sure there not hovering about when putting codes in on doors, change codes daily.
It's a members club, so privately owned. It would be hard to prove that they broke the barrier, but it was fine on the evening before they colonised the carpark.. Im pretty sure that the Police have been informed, but that they have told the club that there's nothing they can do for 4 weeks. My wife is panicking as the farm next door is where she and her friends stable and ride their horses..

I haven't looked at the course yet, but I'm hearing that they have definitely been onto the 18th green at least.. I've just looked at last years accounts and I really don't think the club can afford to repair the damage that could be caused should these travellers decide to wreak havoc whilst they are there. Sad times...
As far as I know most councils have workers that deal with the travelling community and have sites that are dedicated to them.... I know wigan has a team... Maybe contact them for advice
Are you sure it's just not two fourballs from Lee park?:eek:

Sorry Dan, every sympathy. Enough of us at Lee park now, so if struggling for a game, send us a PM.:thup:
As far as I know most councils have workers that deal with the travelling community and have sites that are dedicated to them.... I know wigan has a team... Maybe contact them for advice

Good advice mate. Will look into it.. Might be a good time for that challenge as I think I may be missing a bit of golf over the next few weeks..:D

Are you sure it's just not two fourballs from Lee park?:eek:

Sorry Dan, every sympathy. Enough of us at Lee park now, so if struggling for a game, send us a PM.:thup:

Cheers mate. Might take you up on that next week. Don't really feel comfortable leaving the car on the club carpark at the moment. It might be a large generalisation, but I suspect that laws and rules may be the less important to the clubs newest "members"...:D
Good advice mate. Will look into it.. Might be a good time for that challenge as I think I may be missing a bit of golf over the next few weeks..:D

Cheers mate. Might take you up on that next week. Don't really feel comfortable leaving the car on the club carpark at the moment. It might be a large generalisation, but I suspect that laws and rules may be the less important to the clubs newest "members"...:D

No problem matey. I normally play once after work (around 5.30), we should get 16-18 in, or possibly next Friday, where I can tee off at 4.30.

Right off to the match....
I suspect that the club may invest if there isn't too much damage elsewhere..

Just tell them that you already have th CCTV and the police are currently watching it ...

We used to get a reasonably large group of travellers each year in our office car park, and they used to stay one or two nights. They were always extremely well behaved, caused no damage, and left very little rubbish.
Then one year we had a new group ... Oh my god. Stayed for circa 2weeks, rubbish, faeces and couples doing the business in the bushes during daytime working hours. Couldn't get rid of them quickly either .
Police just started raiding them every night, and eventually the got fed up and left.
Can't believe how difficult it is.
Hope is works out
Not good mate.... I am free for a game Thursday or Friday mate... You can come to Lymm or I have a spare 2 fore 1 voucher if you fancy a trip out!
As for the travellers I would get your secretary to hound the police every day, if not twice a day. If they leave it, the likelihood is the police will just hope they leave....
It's a members club, so privately owned. It would be hard to prove that they broke the barrier, but it was fine on the evening before they colonised the carpark.. Im pretty sure that the Police have been informed, but that they have told the club that there's nothing they can do for 4 weeks. My wife is panicking as the farm next door is where she and her friends stable and ride their horses..

I haven't looked at the course yet, but I'm hearing that they have definitely been onto the 18th green at least.. I've just looked at last years accounts and I really don't think the club can afford to repair the damage that could be caused should these travellers decide to wreak havoc whilst they are there. Sad times...

Now losing golf to the weather is bad enough but this just takes the biscuit. When are the rules going to be changed so that people who do everything by the book arent screwed over FFS! :rant:

Your welcome for a round at Davyhulme anytime too if you fancy a knock mate. I usually play 2 evenings a week and Sundays when ive got no meet etc on. If they stay as long as 4 weeks you may have some serious golf time to fill!
all i will say is you have my sympathy mate , if i said what i realy wanted to say it would be the last post id be let make ..

great rules of equality for all eh .. go park up somewhere you shouldnt & see what happens you ..

all the best mate hope it gets sorted
Are their shirts tucked in, if not, send some of the seniors out to get them. :thup:

I bet the're still the best dressed people in Wigan.....:whistle:
Cheers for the cheer up guys. Just found out that the "travellers", or TPS as I shall be calling them from now on, have demanded £1500 to move on. There's no way the club is going to be able to put that together so it looks like we're stuck with them. The back carpark has needed tarmacing for a while anyway.
Cheers for the cheer up guys. Just found out that the "travellers", or TPS as I shall be calling them from now on, have demanded £1500 to move on. There's no way the club is going to be able to put that together so it looks like we're stuck with them. The back carpark has needed tarmacing for a while anyway.

How was this "request" made
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