Total Rebuild?


Apr 7, 2012
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Hi All,

Bit of advise needed, opinions welcome!

A bit of background about myself:

My brother and I started the Golf 18 months ago, he is 41 and I am 30. My brother chose the organic route of learning like looking at online videos, reading and secret in the dirt. Myself on the other hand 18 months ago had lessons after the 1st month of starting. I thought it would be beneficial to have lessons from the beginning so I do things right from the start. I am a very analytical person so before I start anything I do plenty of research and reading, I immerse myself with my goal. My brother is like me however he is more emotional person and has a very short attention span. He gets frustrated easily and changes his swing every week and has done so ever since things clicked for him. I stick at things and try to see them through.

My Swing:
In the first six months, my local PGA Pro taught me the "traditional" swing. Being a beginner the grip, posture and stance were the first lessons and then we worked on the golf swing takeaway and follow through etc..etc..Scores where over 110 and they fell dramatically after the first 406 months! 12 months in, my scores fell further as I was driving very well (270-280 yds consistently), accuracy with iron shots was excellent and I developed a good amount of smash so confidence was great. My PGA Pro decided to move areas and could not teach me anymore, this was bad news! On the day he moved, ironically I scored my lowest ever score of 84. For a month and a half I was hitting 84s, 86s, 88s regularly. My short game and putting was stopping me breaking into the 70s but I wasn't worried I hadn't worked on that part of my game yet as I just wanted to start hitting the ball consistently which I was. I started working on my short game, watching Geoff Mangum for putting, various tour pro's for good short game technique and shots. For a short time, everything was good.

My drive to improve was strong until I had a few disaster rounds where I couldn't hit a ball and needed some help to put me back on a good path. I went to another PGA Pro and he rectified errors in my swing. He improved my grip however he changed other things my old PGA Pro taught me. The first the first 6 weeks my game went massively down hill. Things did start to come together though and my ball striking was getting back to its best so confidence grew. Scores started to fall back to "normal" however I developed a strange hooking problem with all my woods. This problem then manifested itself into more problems. I now have a lot of flaws that I strongly believe should not be there especially when during the period when I was hitting mid 80s.

1) I Cant drive anymore (haven't hit a good 280 yard drive on fairway in a long time). I am lucky to get anywhere near 200.
2) I keep hitting my woods fat and sky my shots. I am ruining my expensive clubs.
3) Keep hitting iron shots fat
4) I am so bogged down with mechanical thought now that its like my body no longer wants to turn through the ball and my arms just stab at the ball.
5) My Confidence is shot.
6) I cannot take my practice game to the course.

The Mind:
I have felt like this ever since my old PGA Pro left and I am at the end of my tether now. My new PGA Pro teacher is good however when he corrects me at the range, I think I got it and its lost by the next day or the next time I play. I have invested so much money in lessons that I don't want to do it anymore. I am not a negative person, I have read all of Bob Rotella's books and really tried mentally my hardest for 18months to stay positive and trust everything I have been taught. Todays round has simply broken me...102...I am mentally drained. I am beyond being angry at myself for not preforming and I am angry at myself for spending so much money on lessons without any reward.

Total Rebuild?
Do I need to rebuild my swing by myself from scratch? I am worried that starting again will not help me as I am too far down the road with what I know from my two previous teachers. I am also not willing pay more more lessons on the range. I feel its pointless and there isnt anything more left to teach there. I do well on the range and poor on the course. I must stress this is not the PGA Pro's fault.

As you probably guess by my ramble above (apologies if it doesn't make sense) I am in need off help

My brother on the other hand is hovering in the mod 80s and going from strength to strength.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Simple answer would be to elbow coach 2 and go back a different coach. I've had three coaches in the last four years (one I left as he was injured) one I stayed with for two years but I stagnated and now the guy I am with has helped superbly. It may just be that you didn't click with coach 2 but I would heartily recommend regular coaching. You don't need a rebuild, just two or three refreshers and a big confidence boost. Word of mouth is the best recommendation you can get so ask around your partners who they go to


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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So you are considering giving up? Congrats. You are now a golfer. We have all been there.

As an analytical type you probably know your previously falling scores were not a fluke so there is a game in there, and from Rotella you probably also know that the harder you try the more results suffer.

I would try to find a way to make the game fun again rather than sweat it out with more pros. Give up pros for a while and try to enjoy the game and the scores will come.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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One man's total rebuild is another mans minor tweaks.

If you switch from standard to stack and tilt then yes thats probably a rebuilt.

All you need is to rediscover what made you good! From reading it I think you seem to have strayed from your description of yourself. If you do not like how a pro teaches then maybe you are just forgetting it because you don't "want" to learn it.

Rediscover your attitude, get a series of lessons and a playing lesson with a coach you trust and practice in every waking second.

You do NOT need a rebuild, you just need to rediscover!


Nov 16, 2011
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Welcome to Golf - and all its joys and frustrations!

You are not the only one wh has been there, nor will you be the last - though your fluctuations do seem wilder than most.

It's something that you really have to work out yourself, but I'd suggest that you are getting over technical and not letting your 'natural' talent swing it 'properly' - for you. You don't have to have the perfect swing. J-M-Singh and Tommy 2-Gloves are proof of that. You don't have to practice every waking second - it might work/have worked for Vijay Singh, but was wrong for Els!

What you should do is find way to enjoy golf - and the scoring is only 1 of the 4 things that I enjoy about it. - the others are the exercise, the company and the scenery, all of which can be magnificent at different times.

So go out, relax(!!!) don't think about the scoring and enjoy!

If you want some inspiration, find the book/paperback called 'In Search of Tiger's Tale'. Not sure who it's by, but a cheery read. Parkinson's books on golf are fun too! Stay away from golf training books - unless it's Brian Sparks's 'Positive Impact Golf'


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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You're not alone fella. I have felt how you feel right now.

Do you find yourself getting worked up when your brother hits the ball really well and you are left thinking how can he do that when I have learned so much more etc.

What you need to remember is... You know its in there. You have scored in the 80's before. I find whenever I start playing like my nan would I have a lesson he can say straight away what I'm doing wrong. I'm shocked when I see the videos how I have slipped back or into doing something I didn't before.


Apr 7, 2012
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Simple answer would be to elbow coach 2 and go back a different coach. I've had three coaches in the last four years (one I left as he was injured) one I stayed with for two years but I stagnated and now the guy I am with has helped superbly. It may just be that you didn't click with coach 2 but I would heartily recommend regular coaching. You don't need a rebuild, just two or three refreshers and a big confidence boost. Word of mouth is the best recommendation you can get so ask around your partners who they go to
This has been on my mind and the problem is I cant really blame the new coach (he knew my old coach and the type of swing he was teaching me). I do feel that the new swing although technically better than before (this could be because I was new to the game before so old swing was more natural?) requires more effort. I feel my body gives up on me on the course which is strange as I am a pretty fit strong guy so generally a long hitter.

I have a guy in mind but he is a bit far from me...

How about playing lesson? I had one before and found it beneficial
I used to do this a lot with old coach. New coach wants to get me out on course but as I can only go on weekends we have been unlucky with the weather.

Jonjay... have you got your swing on video?
I dont no.

So you are considering giving up? Congrats. You are now a golfer. We have all been there.

As an analytical type you probably know your previously falling scores were not a fluke so there is a game in there, and from Rotella you probably also know that the harder you try the more results suffer.

I would try to find a way to make the game fun again rather than sweat it out with more pros. Give up pros for a while and try to enjoy the game and the scores will come.
I must stress I am not hooked on scores but they are in my case a true reflection of my swing and the only way I could describe the magnitude of my problem. If I am scoring well I am hitting my irons and tee shots well. If I am not that means FAT shots and duff drives.

One man's total rebuild is another mans minor tweaks.

If you switch from standard to stack and tilt then yes thats probably a rebuilt.

All you need is to rediscover what made you good! From reading it I think you seem to have strayed from your description of yourself. If you do not like how a pro teaches then maybe you are just forgetting it because you don't "want" to learn it.

Rediscover your attitude, get a series of lessons and a playing lesson with a coach you trust and practice in every waking second.

You do NOT need a rebuild, you just need to rediscover!
Thats what my brother said!

Welcome to Golf - and all its joys and frustrations!

You are not the only one wh has been there, nor will you be the last - though your fluctuations do seem wilder than most.

It's something that you really have to work out yourself, but I'd suggest that you are getting over technical and not letting your 'natural' talent swing it 'properly' - for you. You don't have to have the perfect swing. J-M-Singh and Tommy 2-Gloves are proof of that. You don't have to practice every waking second - it might work/have worked for Vijay Singh, but was wrong for Els!

What you should do is find way to enjoy golf - and the scoring is only 1 of the 4 things that I enjoy about it. - the others are the exercise, the company and the scenery, all of which can be magnificent at different times.

So go out, relax(!!!) don't think about the scoring and enjoy!

If you want some inspiration, find the book/paperback called 'In Search of Tiger's Tale'. Not sure who it's by, but a cheery read. Parkinson's books on golf are fun too! Stay away from golf training books - unless it's Brian Sparks's 'Positive Impact Golf'
Thanks mate, I will look into those.

You're not alone fella. I have felt how you feel right now.

Do you find yourself getting worked up when your brother hits the ball really well and you are left thinking how can he do that when I have learned so much more etc.

What you need to remember is... You know its in there. You have scored in the 80's before. I find whenever I start playing like my nan would I have a lesson he can say straight away what I'm doing wrong. I'm shocked when I see the videos how I have slipped back or into doing something I didn't before.
I think thats the most frustrating part. I know my good golf is in me and its been away for so long I am worried it might not click again.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I am worried it might not click again.

I went from a case of being unable to hit the ball off the face to being my driving range club champ in less than a month. I probably couldnt have got under 110 let alone 100! A month later and I shot +6 gross in awful weather to take the scratch cup.

I don't think the sway from 80s to +100 is extreme, it only takes one thing to go wrong! I have been there in my short time in golf, 3 years in March with only 15 months being membership.