To the-coach : US youtube to follow ?


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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I've been watching a couple of the youtube clips posted by the_coach recently and found them really useful (thanks). They seem to be by an esoteric bunch of instructors, so I wondered who the US equivalent of Mark Crossfield was ?

In other words, in your expert opinion, are there any particular popular instructors/reviewers/course bloggers from the US who are worth keeping an eye on.

Thanks for this and all the other help/tips/links etc which you keep lobbing our way.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Hey, re the clips, what I tend to do is analyze the particular problem someone may be experiencing & then through my experience in golf give my take on what should help then have a look to find some visuals of what I think would worth looking at to help them. I don't really have any favorites that I watch, on a regular basis to be honest

I'm not really a big you tube golf instruction watcher.

Guess the only few I look at sort of regularly are Trackman, because I use one. Secret in the Dirt because it's kind of eclectic & interesting in often a kooky sort of a way. PGA Tour. Golf Channel.

There's some old vid on youtube that I often revisit, by my first & only golf coach, he doesn't have a lot up there though, to be honest they are bit ropey quality wise especially the sound! & nowadays he doesn't put much up at all it seems, he says he's too busy which to be fair I can understand lot of quality golfers beating down his door! Spoke to him on the phone think it was 2012 when he said then he would be putting some new stuff up .... hasn't happened yet though!

At the same time I was growing up & going for some lessons he was also teaching a teenage Sean Foley, his name Gregg McHatton nickname 'the Hat' at Valencia, Santa Clarita CA.
To this day a lot of tour players seek him out for sessions, but he does it all quietly, not one for the lime-light. Great teacher though, fantastically languid but ultra powerful golf swing!!!!!
The guy who did/does the Gotham blog went for lessons with The Hat, so watched a bit of the blogs he did a few years back, now no idea if he's still doing them, or what his blog is like now though.

I've don't really know who Mark Crossfield is, so couldn't really say. There's an awful lot of Pro's here that do this kind of thing though, so a lot to go at, it's like some have some good stuff I'd recommend hence why I'd put those up, but that doesn't mean that have good advice across the board though really.
You kinda have to know a bit already about the golf swing to sift through some of the nonsense that's about, know that's not really helpful if your just starting off, but unfortunately that seems to be how it is.

Never really looked at bloggers (bar Gotham & then only because it at the time involved The Hat), or reviewers over much at all so to be honest have no real clue who to recommend.

Sorry can't really give you a good definitive answer. Glad some of the stuff I've put up has helped you, will try to give my take on stuff with a few relevant vids when I'm able to.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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What are your opinions on Martin Chuck? I quite like his style and seem to get what he's saying.

Not seen much of his stuff, the few I have, couple years ago now, he seems to explain things in a pretty clear conversational way, which is good, I would say it's from a very sound knowledge base too.

Some of it is angled around his swing aid inventions, which to be fair to him, the stuff I've seen, hands on, through the ones friends, golfing acquaintances have are well thought out, not sure what it's called but a plastic 'thing' you put in the end of a grip to help the hand/wrists during the swing motion, seems a pretty sound thing if you use it correctly & often.

The other being his irons with the cutaway face angle to promote a downward strike which again will help if used correctly & regularly.
Out of interest I used the smallest face one a friend had, he was having difficulty using it, asked me to hit it to see if it worked.

There I guess lies the 'rub' if you already a decent swing motion with the lowest point of the swing arc in front of the ball so forward leaning shaft through impact, you have no problem using one, but then you'd have no need to use one either, but if you're a flipper it will help correct impact but it may take quite some time.

My friend couldn't use it because he couldn't come to terms with the changes he needed to make in his swing sequence motion, he was a bit of a flipper. Took a while, a few weeks or so, but he eventually got the hang of it with some technical swing advice too. He still uses it and recommends it but he struggled with the concept of how to deliver it to the ball for some time, guessing most folks would have given up. But if you follow how you should use it, it's a good swing aid, but can see why it would end up in folks closets.

Don't know if he's still currently putting new stuff up for free, or if you have to pay a monthly fee at his website now though. But he seems a good guy with good advice from what I've seen,

One other guy who has put out some good information on youtube, but it's a rather dry delivery but it's still from a sound knowledge base overall is John Aasen, out of an inside golf training place up in Vancouver does his stuff in front of a swing sim, like everyone else he's also promoting his business.
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Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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Thanks he does a lot of videos via revolution golf. Free videos via email every day. I bought on of the DVD box set things for £15 in a sale which has been quite good. Always liked the look of his tour striker but a bit on the expensive.

Thanks for your views.

power fade

Assistant Pro
Jul 24, 2012
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There is a pro who posts on Golf Wrx forum - Monte Scheinblum. He is pretty good, sounds like Clint Eastwood, worth looking up