Thumb adjustment


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 19, 2011
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I don't know if anyone else saw Sir Nick Faldo on Sky coverage of the AT&T late Sunday night but he gave a brief talk on some aspects of grip etc, mostly about pressure of grip.

What interested me was his closing remark in which he said "the most common grip error of amateurs is to have both thumbs in line on the front of the shaft". Ears pricked up as I do (did) precisely that.

His advice was to move the right thumb (for a right hander) about half an inch to the left i.e. around the shaft rather than along it. He said "this will increase power and consistency".

Went to the range at lunchtime, tried the thumb adjustment and it seems to have exactly the effect Sir Nick said it would! My shots with irons and driver were more powerful and straighter after 40 minutes practice and the grip adjustment was easy to make and soon felt natural. Tried going back to my previous grip as an experiment and it immediately felt weaker ad more awkwad than the 'new' grip.

Playing in our monthly mid week medal tmorrow so will be interested to see if it has the same effect on the course.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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I had this issue some time back as is often the case when you start

The best thing to check is the "vees" that are created

You will also find with the right thumb pointing more to the left the wrist cock is far better which will produce more power etc

When the right thumb is straight down the shaft all sorts of faults creep in