Thoughts on my swing


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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What are you looking to change/improve?

Whats your current bad shot?

Current bad shot is to the left, straight left. But doesn't tend to surface that much.

As to improve/change if there is anything that could add a bit more consistency that would be good. And as I'm sure everyone would like a bit more distance but I am happy with my distances.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Put a headcover in front of the ball and to the left and try and miss it



Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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And you'd expect 16 shots from me with a swing like that, you've got a better looking swing than me.........:thup:

You look to be doing a lot of good things. Hands hanging nicely under the shoulders at address, nice smooth backswing that gets you set for a controlled downswing. The only thing to my untrained eye, or maybe because I'm watching it on my phone is maybe a bit more lag in the downswing would be good and would help generate more power.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Been working on my swing for a while, mainly on shortening it and stopping the over the top move. Think I've done a good job so far and have become more consistent but still long way to go.

great job on what you've achieved so far with what you've been working on.
& good set up, tempo, rhythm going on too.

you have the height, build, that as you say the focus need not be on length that's just going to happen naturally with the continued improvement in swing motion & little more solid strike.

my take on a couple things maybes to consider in fine tuning the motion you have.

you've worked hard on not over swinging, all good.

but atop the swing has also now got a little ways narrow - a way to see this is right thumbs closer gap to right ear/head.

consequence of this, although you've worked on good lower motion sequence to initiate the start down which initially keeps the angles - arms to shaft (lag)

soon after this start down of transition the arms & hands (because the top of the backswing was a ways narrow) have to start to lengthen out it's impossible to hold/keep the angles
which means by 3/4's down a good deal of the angles are lost {left & right arm & left hand & right hand to the shaft, lag as folks know it}

this then has no option through centripetal force other than continue to further lengthen those angles into the ball so strike.
so it causes a little ways of a right hand flip release - depending on how this slight flip is timed - sometimes the face angle & loft will be looking more leftfield at impact.

other issue this lengthening of the arms/hands shaft does is to slow the lower body left hip turn & clear out the way, so right hip turns a little ways out to the ball as the right side comes through - lower body does this in order for the club face to catch up into impact so strike the ball.

may seem a whole bunch of stuff but it's really just a little ways more fine tuning.

take the club away as you do to hands the same height atop the swing just being aware the right thumb stays away from the head some more so little more natural width, but still the same 90º right arm angle - a ways to feel this is the right hand pushes slightly at the handle, little ways feeling of right forearm extension, so right palm pushing against the left hand & handle.

doing this then just start down, lower body first as you do, feeling there's no rush to get the clubhead to the ball.

as long as you turn & clear the left butt backwards feeling it's moving/turning over back of the heel line, the butt stays back some so then the right hip won't work out any to the ball but come through more to target, with head staying behind the strike just complete the turn to good balanced finish.

good job to date for sure
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Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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great job on what you've achieved so far with what you've been working on.
& good set up, tempo, rhythm going on too.

you have the height, build, that as you say the focus need not be on length that's just going to happen naturally with the continued improvement in swing motion & little more solid strike.

my take on a couple things maybes to consider in fine tuning the motion you have.

you've worked hard on not over swinging, all good.

but atop the swing has also now got a little ways narrow - a way to see this is right thumbs closer gap to right ear/head.

consequence of this, although you've worked on good lower motion sequence to initiate the start down which initially keeps the angles - arms to shaft (lag)

soon after this start down of transition the arms & hands (because the top of the backswing was a ways narrow) have to start to lengthen out it's impossible to hold/keep the angles
which means by 3/4's down a good deal of the angles are lost {left & right arm & left hand & right hand to the shaft, lag as folks know it}

this then has no option through centripetal force other than continue to further lengthen those angles into the ball so strike.
so it causes a little ways of a right hand flip release - depending on how this slight flip is timed - sometimes the face angle & loft will be looking more leftfield at impact.

other issue this lengthening of the arms/hands shaft does is to slow the lower body left hip turn & clear out the way, so right hip turns a little ways out to the ball as the right side comes through - lower body does this in order for the club face to catch up into impact so strike the ball.

may seem a whole bunch of stuff but it's really just a little ways more fine tuning.

take the club away as you do to hands the same height atop the swing just being aware the right thumb stays away from the head some more so little more natural width, but still the same 90º right arm angle - a ways to feel this is the right hand pushes slightly at the handle, little ways feeling of right forearm extension, so right palm pushing against the left hand & handle.

doing this then just start down, lower body first as you do, feeling there's no rush to get the clubhead to the ball.

as long as you turn & clear the left butt backwards feeling it's moving/turning over back of the heel line, the butt stays back some so then the right hip won't work out any to the ball but come through more to target, with head staying behind the strike just complete the turn to good balanced finish.

good job to date for sure

Thanks coach, I'll give that a try. As u say it isn't a lot to work on but the tweaks should improve it. Just need to get to the range now.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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And you'd expect 16 shots from me with a swing like that, you've got a better looking swing than me.........:thup:

You look to be doing a lot of good things. Hands hanging nicely under the shoulders at address, nice smooth backswing that gets you set for a controlled downswing. The only thing to my untrained eye, or maybe because I'm watching it on my phone is maybe a bit more lag in the downswing would be good and would help generate more power.

Haha yeah I just can't seem to string all the parts of my game together each day to get lower that why I'm off 18. One day hopefully it will click. And yeah your right a bit more lag would do the trick, the coach has indicated that too.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Thanks coach, I'll give that a try. As u say it isn't a lot to work on but the tweaks should improve it. Just need to get to the range now.

Trying to improve your lag will bring you more distance and an even more pronounced out to in swing, neither of which you want.
If, as you say your are happy with your distance and want to improve your direction, concentrate on one thing at a time........your swingpath


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Trying to improve your lag will bring you more distance and an even more pronounced out to in swing, neither of which you want.
If, as you say your are happy with your distance and want to improve your direction, concentrate on one thing at a time........your swingpath

Yeah your right Bob, I've tried the multiple changes at once before and it's not great. I'll pick one and start working on it at home, easy to do in the house with just a club.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Trying to improve your lag will bring you more distance and an even more pronounced out to in swing, neither of which you want.
If, as you say your are happy with your distance and want to improve your direction, concentrate on one thing at a time........your swingpath

Not trying to argue your point Bob, but I have found with my swing when I video it the less lag I get the more I swing out-in. I find with driving my hands down from the top of the backswing it actually encourages me to keep my swing path on the inside.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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just maybes to clear up a bunch of things so hopefully misunderstandings can be down to a minimum .....

my comments about 'angles' (where I mentioned 'lag' - simply because not all folks readily understand it as a 'natural angle' within a sound swing motion but overly associate it with searching for more distance)
so it had nothing to do with overly trying to create lag for distance - but you have to 'have' good angles in the downswing to have a solid strike with good AoA, on plane & on a sound, & towards a, 'neutral' path - inside to square to inside. as MadAdey has eluded too with 'his feeling' on how he does this best in relation to strike, path, plane, & AoA

it's good that you had the alignment sticks down in the vid to create that channel to swing through & strike the ball - & as you can see you ain't striking the outside stick on the ways into the ball or the inside stick on the ways out of impact ... re path.
& angle of shaft at address to angle of shaft at impact -dtl viewpoint - shows a shaft condition that isn't wildly out from plane

it can be real confusing as to what exactly to look to from the 'get go' to 'fix'/'improve' a swing motion. (did note views on OOB thread but as Amercians we kinda speak American, conversational .... :) )

but the best ways forwards is always to look at the first issue in the swing motion chain & where that happens - from address/set up into motion {to this, as before you have a real decent set up, tempo & rhythm of motion}

so to that first issue in the chain, the lack of width atop the swing, which then plays into the issues at strike & shot outcomes.

re contact & ball direction issues if you can just look to pose these positions as described below maybes it will help to give you an understanding of what is going on at impact a little ways better.

if you pose a sound impact position, left hip cleared, weight left, head behind ball, hands ahead slight forwards leaning shaft angle, face angle square to target as it should be

- but then from sound impact position simply move the hands back a tad so now they vertically atop the back of the ball & the right wrist is flat, right arm straight so now the shaft is vertical at 90º perpendicular to the ground, plus slightly bring the hips back to square & lastly just flip the right hand under the left some.
so the left wrist has extension (little ways cupped - collapsed) note how this turns the leading edge & face angle of the loft to point left of target line, plus with the hips squarer your feel a ways blocked if you had to swing your arms through & rotate the upper body.

this is the reason when your natural release condition (the position lastly described above) doesn't time the little way flip release to face angle square through impact that the ball goes left, also why the shaft appears a little under plane on the way through to the finish.

it's early morning here in nyc, later on when I get some time I'll post up some 'still pics' which relate to my first post & this one, which maybes will help you have some images to think over with a little ways clearer view of how & why this would be of use to you going forwards if it's something you want to look into


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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hopefully the images will help to put pictures to the information as to what's going on & why, give maybes a mental picture to work with - should you want to (if you interested but have any Q's will answer any PM's no problem - but good luck going forwards anyways)

so the width at the top wouldn't be thinking the hands have to be either higher to the sky, or right thumb further back from the ear putting the right arm further back behind the tush line.

the width would be so the hands, butt end of the club, right elbow & right forearm are nearer to the us as the viewer by the lens (dtl view), so right thumb further from ear, side of the head in a direction towards the lens. (dtl view)

from the dtl view the body angles left arm, shoulder plane, the way the right elbow is down to ground & also above the middle of the right hip is all real good here. from the face on view you hopefully can see the narrowness at the top.


even though the motion is pretty good because the top position is little ways narrow, it then coming down makes the cg of the club head seek a straight inline 180º with the arms, so the first thing that happens is the right hand angle goes followed by the right arm angle.




ideally with some natural width at the top arms still connected to the turn, player can then start down (from lower lead side) but with the room for the elbow to work into & in front of the right hip, as the downswing naturally narrows some.
but with the little ways difference of width at the top, with the swing motion lead from below then the turn & clear the downswing will naturally still have the right hand, right arm angles so the angle between the shaft & arms is still there coming into impact, hands then can get over the ball to the left thigh with a forwards leaning shaft.

just putting these next images as it shows what to work towards not meant as a critical comparison & not expecting folks to swing like a Tour Pro - but it shows how with little more width atop the angles will more naturally stay there.

plus the path , AoA & strike will be improved as long as the downswing starts from the ground up. my take your not wildly out with plane or path, as said the talk about the angles will help with this anyways not hinder - it's not about building super 'lag' fro distance but natural angles into impact for the best conditions to give solid strike.


