Theres Still Hope for us OLD GUYS


Assistant Pro
Feb 6, 2010
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So you young guys think that your big hitters with your high tech clubs and balls.


Mighty Mike Austin(no relation to the 6 million dollar man)

While playing in the U.S. National Seniors Tournament, at the Winterwood Golf Course (now the Desert Rose) Austin was put in a foursome with PGA Champion Chandler Harper. After hitting several 400-yard drives, Chandler said, "Mike, let's see you really let one go." Austin drove the ball on 450-yard par 4. It carried to the edge of the green, bounced over and rolled past the pin and off the back edge. In a 2003 interview, Chandler said he found a ball on the next tee box and called to Austin, "This is impossible, but there is a ball over here." They identified the ball as Austin's and stepped off the distance back to the center of the green. The drive was 515 yards. As of 2009, the record still stands for the longest drive in a golf tournament.

Several factors make this record feat especially amazing, although there was a tailwind estimated at 27-35 mph. The drive was done on level ground, using a persimmon wood driver with 10 degrees of loft and a 43.5" extra-stiff steel shaft, the ball was a soft balata and Mike Austin was 64 years old. .
Another record for a Brit(born in Guernsey,childhood in Scotland)
:) :) :)

A world without golf is like a woman without (.)(.)`s