The weekend thread

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Went to the driving range today. Driving well (always do on the range!!!) and irons are generally always straight these days. Forgot to book a tee time tomorrow and it's really busy but weather is set to be good all day so have one sneaked in with a friend at 13:40.

Should be good! I've got a good feeling.

To be fair though; even if I play crap I'm walking around in the sun with good company. That's why I love golf :)
Played in a society event this morning, first 9 didn't go well with 2 blobs and a grand total of 13 points...put the driver away for the back 9 and came in with 21 points including a blob for 34 points total so mixed feelings about the round...hope I do better on Monday.
Played in the roll-up at the club this morning. I wasn't going to play as I'm working tonight and looking after puppies is quite tiring but golf is golf so I forced myself :D

For some reason I had a good feeling walking to the first tee. I parred every hole on the front nine but missed a few short putts coming home and ended shooting a gross 75 for 38 points and took the money. Not happy with the way I dropped the 5 shots but i hit some cracking shots on the way round so well pleased overall :thup:
Played in the roll-up at the club this morning. I wasn't going to play as I'm working tonight and looking after puppies is quite tiring but golf is golf so I forced myself :D

For some reason I had a good feeling walking to the first tee. I parred every hole on the front nine but missed a few short putts coming home and ended shooting a gross 75 for 38 points and took the money. Not happy with the way I dropped the 5 shots but i hit some cracking shots on the way round so well pleased overall :thup:

The boy did good and there were a few iffy shots on the front nine but he found a way to make par. It was great to watch. As for me, the usual mix of some good, some ok and a few "oh no's". Ended up with 30 off 8 (roll up handicap) which would have been 33 off my proper one so not too bad.
Played yesterday at Prestwick St Nicholas with my old man and uncles. Hit some really good shots but typically followed them up with ropey ones. And couldn't buy a putt all day long.

In spite of my golf, though, it's a nice course with some really good holes and it's in very good condition. The view from the clubhouse out to Arran is stunning in the setting sun. Great day out :thup:
35 pts in the lovely sunshine. Left a few out on the course but played some good shots and sank a few putts so not too bad.

Next time.....
Played in the club turkey 4 ball better ball yesterday with my dad and had an awesome round. We went out in 22 points and came back in 26 for a total of 48! I shot 67 gross and my dad shot 4 under his handicap.
Signed up for Monthly medal at last moment and joined two ladies for our 3 ball. I've never played a medal 3 ball with two ladies before. It was excellent. One off 16 other off 12. Both I and the lady off 12 had net 74s (2 over h/cap) and the 3rd had nett 75 - so all in our buffer zones I expect. Not once did we have to search for any of our golf balls. It was fun and it was brisk - and the ladies were only chatted about golf rather than the 'life-stuff' we guys chat and share on our way round. Maybe that helped maintain our focus - as lady off 12 dropped 3 on the first and I dropped 6 in first 4 holes. Lady off 12 also parred all our par 3s - I rarely do that.

A very enjoyable knock - they even 'asked me back' - and if the opportunity presents - I'll be in there.

note - one of my mates said he and his FCs saw us play our 5th when he was playing 12th. He said I was watching one of my FCs play and to them I seemed to be staring straight at her derriere - which I may have been - but I may just have been watching her lovely smooth and strong swing.
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Lovely friendly knock, zero wind, sun's out (guns out!;))

Every knock without the waterproofs on is a welcome bonus at this stage :)

Roll on tomorrow morning @ West Hill
Again some cracking stuff and some awful. ... par is 71. I shot a 95 with 34 points. Considering I had a 10, a 9 and two 7s on my card I'm not disheartened.
42 points for me and a 0.6 cut.:)
Down to 5.9 my lowest ever,my short game was on top form.
Just need to drive more consistently and I will get to cat 1.
Still only came 3rd:D
Played Keighley today, 1st time and really enjoyed it but played like a totally door handle. So many poor shots and duff shots, can't hit my new 3 wood and short game has gone to pot too. Drove really well, poss best for a long time but that gradually went too. Feel like I've hit a level now and are struggling to improve.
42 points for me and a 0.6 cut.:)
Down to 5.9 my lowest ever,my short game was on top form.
Just need to drive more consistently and I will get to cat 1.
Still only came 3rd:D

top shooting pj

managed to get out for our captains charity day, was 4bbb and although we played ok we had our bad holes together which is criminal for 2 single figure players. had 5ft for eagle at 12 and hit it to about 2 ft at 15 to win nearest the pin, slightly worryingly I somehow contrioved to miss both putts along with a bagful of other chances but nice to get out and thankfully not too sore afterwards.