One Planer
Global Moderator
As a direct result of last nights putting lesson, I can not hit a much better 50 yard pitch
When I arrived for my lesson, I did a little chipping and putting to warm up. We had a chat to see where I felt I was going wrong. The my pro had me roll a few balls with my putter.
He immediately picked up on my hands being behind the ball at address. After moving them forward to the correct position, with the same address posture and stroke, direction was very much improved. This, and a minor issue in my follow through just after impact, were the main cause of my issues.
Literally 10 minutes to improve my stroke.
So, we made a start on what I wanted to look at in Decemebers lesson. Short Pitches.
As it transpires, 90% of my issues are caused by poor positions at set-up. Once my pro got me into the correct positions and alignment results were, well, dramatically different to say the least.
My old technique and poor positions caused all manor of issue and correction/compensation through the swing in order to get the ball remotely on target. Something like that is never going to repeat.
How he has me hitting it now is much, much simpler. As a result, I'm making better, more crisp contact and on first impression better distance control. It's going to take some practice to get used to the feeling of the new swing, but the early signs are very encouraging.
I may have a putting lesson to work on my driving :rofl:
When I arrived for my lesson, I did a little chipping and putting to warm up. We had a chat to see where I felt I was going wrong. The my pro had me roll a few balls with my putter.
He immediately picked up on my hands being behind the ball at address. After moving them forward to the correct position, with the same address posture and stroke, direction was very much improved. This, and a minor issue in my follow through just after impact, were the main cause of my issues.
Literally 10 minutes to improve my stroke.
So, we made a start on what I wanted to look at in Decemebers lesson. Short Pitches.
As it transpires, 90% of my issues are caused by poor positions at set-up. Once my pro got me into the correct positions and alignment results were, well, dramatically different to say the least.
My old technique and poor positions caused all manor of issue and correction/compensation through the swing in order to get the ball remotely on target. Something like that is never going to repeat.
How he has me hitting it now is much, much simpler. As a result, I'm making better, more crisp contact and on first impression better distance control. It's going to take some practice to get used to the feeling of the new swing, but the early signs are very encouraging.
I may have a putting lesson to work on my driving :rofl: