Teaching A Child


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Last year, back when the weather was nice, I bought my daughter a kiddies PW from Sports Direct because she kept asking to come to the golf club with me.

We went down a couple of times and she enjoyed it but got frustrated at not being able to hit the ball properly. I wanted to help but didn't know what to tell her without getting too technical and filling her head with the garbage that's in mine.

My plan was to just let here whack balls and have fun, but it wasn't fun for her not making contact at all.
I'd like to start taking her down again but would like some advice on how I can help her.
Please bear in mind that she appears to have close to zero hand eye coordination!



Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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You could always try the sustained threat of emotional violence. It seemed to work for some other elite young sportsmen and women...

Or, just let her learn to have fun with it first, then try some of the local kids group classes in the summer holidays. I'm trying to get mine to love the game on TV first. Hopefully this will give them the motivation to want to improve....


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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You could always try the sustained threat of emotional violence. It seemed to work for some other elite young sportsmen and women...

Or, just let her learn to have fun with it first, then try some of the local kids group classes in the summer holidays. I'm trying to get mine to love the game on TV first. Hopefully this will give them the motivation to want to improve....

I don't think it's golf per se that she's interested in, she just wants to do what I'm doing.

I might just try letting her have fun again, but like I said, last time wasn't fun for her as she was impatient for results. By results I mean getting club and ball to meet!

Thanks for the reply. I might ask our pro if he does kids beginner group lessons.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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How old is your daughter Gaz.
My son has hit a childs wood from 2 years of age.
He seems to hit it easier than his PW.
What i try to do[and its working]is to drill his set up into him.
Then i just let him play,hand,eye ball co-ordination will come.
Group participation is good because she will see others doing it,so
maybe she wont get so frustrated.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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My daughter had some group lessons at the range and then some at my club which run during the holidays. This way she gets tuition aimed her level and she could see that she wasn't the only one struggling to hit shots. She hasn't played for a while as the weather we've had put her off plus I've struggled with my own game and so spent more time on that than taking her out.

Went down the similar route as yourself in buying her a couple of clubs from sports direct etc.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Gaz...... Change the ball for a tennis ball when your down at the club...The bigger ball will be easier to hit and it'll be a bit of fun for her....Once she gets the hand eye co ordination down change the ball.....

Another thing i also saw with a Kids group was to fill some water balloons and just let her belt them with a club.....All your really doing at first is training her hand eye Co-ordination....You'll be surprised at how fast she picks it up.....

When changing to a golf ball too always stick it on a tee....And just let her swing....Dont worry about where it goes or what way she holds the club just let here have some fun....:thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Forgot to say in the opening post, she's 10.

I'm not sure she'd want to hit a tennis ball. She doesn't (at the moment) actually want to play golf, she just wants to do what her dad is doing.
I got her some airflow balls and an old mat to have a hit in the back garden while I'm at work, but she wasn't interested.

I love the idea of putting every ball on a tee though, I think that will really help.

It's difficult. I want her to just hit the ball her way, but then I think if she gets to being able to hit the ball reasonably well doing it her way then we have to change all the bad habits that might put her off again.

Thanks for all the replies. I've told her if her room is "mum-tidy" when I get home today we'll go down for an hour. I'll try some of the suggestions.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Took my boy down ths evening for 6 holes.
He had a 30 yard shot over water,flag half way up the green.
He stuck it stone dead,lol.
Dont think any of my playing partners at the weekend could have played it better.
He also had great pleasure in telling his mum my rescue club was useless[wander where
he heard that].