Major Champion
I hope I'm not berated when I say that I am actually rather sad to hear of Stuart Hall's admissions of 14 charges of indecent assault today. Why a bit sad? Well as difficult as it might be to believe mfor those of a more recent vintage - for some folks of my age the likes of Stuart Hall were actually very central to our teens and the enjoyment we got out of TV. Add his name to that of GaryGlitter, Jimmy S and others, and accusations being made against Rolf Harris and no doubt others who will be named in similar context in the coming months and years - and what you have for the likes of me is a bit of a dismantling of a lot of our childhood and teens. And it is sad and a little painful.
As I say - it is all a bit sad for me. I can't defend him but will ask the question about whether the seriousness of a criminal act should be judged in the context of today's morality and mores, or of those of the time in which the act(s) were committed.
p.s. maybe I should claim compensation due to trauma, upset and stress I am suffering as a result of these revelations - I jest - just
As I say - it is all a bit sad for me. I can't defend him but will ask the question about whether the seriousness of a criminal act should be judged in the context of today's morality and mores, or of those of the time in which the act(s) were committed.
p.s. maybe I should claim compensation due to trauma, upset and stress I am suffering as a result of these revelations - I jest - just