Strong Grip RH, Weak Grip LH?


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I posted a few weeks ago regarding equipment difference for a beginner and the general feedback was to keep going with what I have and develop my technique to increase distance with all my clubs. I’ve been working on that, trying to develop a full swing and after some initial success I seemed to regress quite dramatically! However, after perseverance and revisiting some fundamentals I’m making what seems like steady progress again.

That said, my original long club shot tended to be a fairly predictable fade – with a full swing now it sometimes becomes unpredictable and a slice. So, once again, last night I decided to go through all the fundamentals in my set up. In order to address this slice, I’d been making my left hand grip (I’m RH) stronger – with at least 3 knuckles showing. Subconsciously my right hand has been rotating similarly clockwise and on inspection was as strong. I wasn’t sure if this was right so for a few shots used a base ball grip, with the back of my left hand to the target, and the palm of my right hand to the target, to get a feel for the club. Shots were a straight pull, about 15-20 yards from their intended target. So I returned to my normal grip with a neutral left hand and weakened right hand. Ball flew straight, slightly left of the target line. Long story short, I played out the remaining 40 odd balls of my bucket simply making adjustments to my right hand grip. By making my right hand stronger from this position I could introduce a fade; by weakening further it became a draw. Left hand remained neutral to ever so slightly strong. Straight shots achieved by being slightly strong on left hand and weak on right hand. This was also giving me extra height and distance.

So really my question is, is it acceptable to have a strong grip with one hand and weak with the other or have I completely missed another fundamental?