Stephen Fry, Twitter and the "professionally offended"

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I see dear old Stephen has caused offence in certain quarters over his comments as host of the BAFTA's last night. For those of you who missed it, Jenny Beavan won the BAFTA for costume design for Mad Max; Fury Road. As she came down the stairs to collect it, Mrs BiM commented that she looked like she'd left her motorbike outside whereas I just thought that she looked like a sack of something tied up with a bit of string; frankly I dress more smartly to go to football. As she leaves with the award Stephen's comment was "Only one of the great cinematic costume designers would come to the awards dressed like a bag lady" which drew raucous laughter & oohs in fairly equal proportion.

Consequently the Twitterati appear to have turned on Stephen and despite describing Beavan as a "dear friend" and posting a photograph of Beavan & himself under the heading "Jenny Baglady Beavan and Stephen Outrageous Misogynist Swine Fry at the BAFTA's after party, he has now quit Twitter, describing it as "a stalking ground for the sanctimoniously self righteous".

So, is Mr. Fry right and have these social forums become the resort of the professionally offended, or was he bang out of order?
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Think Fry is right

It's the same with the question about people complaining about the Messi penalty

People seem to now look for any reason to complain

Social media seems to encourage miserable UK and also encourage people looking to create something from nothing and to make a name for themselves

Those people complaining about a clear light hearted remark between friends would now revelling in the fact they have caused Fry to react and leave Twitter - classic trolling - some celebs love it and enjoy and encourage it - Sugar and Piers Morgan are two perfect examples.

Stephen Fry was a massive reason Twitter exploded - he was very active during the early years and always was very good on - good involved in debates and talked to people but then it became a breeding ground for the needy and the trolls.
The world is too politically correct, I admit to laughing out loud when Fry uttered the offending remark, because he was spot on, it was observational comedy at its irreverent best.

But you sometimes see the same thing on this forum, where "banter" between friends is seen as an unwarranted attack, by a 3rd party.
Regardless of them being "Chums" "Dear Friends" or whatever it did sound bad at the time, the worse part being the sneering laughter from the crowd of luvvies.

I'd imagine it was one of the proudest moments of Jenny Beavan's life, Im sure given the choice she'd rather Fry kept it complimentary rather than gaining a cheap laugh from the celeb fest in front of him.
So when is the line going to be drawn Phil ?

Is there anyone out there can just put their hand up and say stop and then tell people that at times people will say things that will either upset some people or make fun of others and it's times for people to stop being "professionally upset"

Social media is supposed to a wonderful tool to bring everyone together but seems to drive people apart -

Who puts a stop to everything being too PC before it gets to a point where comdians for examples can't exists for fear of being sued etc
Banter? ... Is 'flaming' a thing of the past?

I've popped on twice over the last week or so and when I read some posts and signatures I'm bewildered, have the mods gone or does it not matter when folk come on taking the ?

I appreciate that a few folk on here are hooked but is this Social Media thingy addictive?

Oh and for the record I joined Facebook on Saturday, I don't think that I'll last :confused:
The world is too politically correct, I admit to laughing out loud when Fry uttered the offending remark, because he was spot on, it was observational comedy at its irreverent best.

But you sometimes see the same thing on this forum, where "banter" between friends is seen as an unwarranted attack, by a 3rd party.
To me 'banter' is something between friends. When people are just obnoxious to others they obviously don't like, and then say it is banter, they are just flaming.

Never understood twitter, but it may be because I have no interest in the lives of people I don't know personally.
Sadly there are always people who will take offence at the slightest thing.

Stephen Fry's problem was that a joke between friends can easily be interpreted as a slur.
Im offended at what he said.

Im offended at them being offended at what i said so im spitting my dummy out.

Im not sure who is the most pathetic.
In my humble opinion, the only people that can be truly 'offended' by Frys comment are bag ladies, and I'd be very surprised if any of them are on Twitter, or even know what Twitter is.

The Twitterati are largely people going out of their way to be offended, when no offence is intended, just so they appear to be looking out for the downtrodden.

I bet most of the folk complaining wouldn't even give a real bag lady the time of day - sad sad people
PC has gone way too far and being offended has somehow taken on a much bigger role in society nowadays. People are offended over the slightest things. It's about time we grew up.
That said there is nothing wrong with being nice and considerate to one another, but a joke is a joke and should be seen as such. If no offence was intended, none should be taken.
We are all entitled to an opinion and social media is a great platform for expressing an opinion. However, Mr. Fry's comments are only a matter between him and the lady he was joking about. Whether others were offended on her behalf is actually irrelevant.
I don't think people are offended in the numbers that take to social media, I think its more that they just want to be 'seen' to be offended

it's pretty sad to be truthful but if we're to have social media then we'll need to suffer or ignore the bad

Being faux offended is simply an extension of those that take to social media to complain at the outrage of their parcel being 12 hours past delivery time or that their complaint wasn't resolved instantly with mega compensation

There will be genuine reasons to be offended and genuine reasons to escalate a complaint on social media, but the more its polluted with nonsense the more the impact/visibility of genuine cases will be lost
Saw it and it is the sort of thing I would of and have said to a PP,
Saw it and it is the sort of thing a PP would of and has said to me.

The thing is, when it is your pals and you know what they are like, ( like dry and bag lady) you can laugh about it. I have two mates who "cracked up" when the pit shut and would never dream of having a cheap shot with either of them or someone I don't know.

Sometimes people need to " man up and grow up".
oh dear oh dear .
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what a world we live in ,feeling offended on someone elses behalf,and about what ,a bloody joke ,get a life you saddos .my mum told me if you cant say something nice then say nothing at all. [i dont always live to her words]
it really does show how shallow peoples lives have become ,the pc world should take a look at my sig.
In this eggshell society, you can't say anything without at least one person being 'offended', despite being in a tiny, tiny, tiny, majority. And because a few people have their noses put out of place a bit, it gets the headline news, gets traction and becomes fashionable to be politically correct on that topic. 'Bag Lady' is now another one of those topics that is in room 101.

Soon there will be nothing left to joke about and we will all walk around in grey colour clothes, talking monotonously and robotically from a manual entitled, "English Language Guaranteed to Not to Offend Anyone, Anywhere, Any time, Any place...Guaranteed".

:sbox: :D ;)
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Surely someone in this thread must've used the word THERE instead of THEIR.... come on! I'm looking to be offended!......... :smirk: