Steadfast shafts - any experience?


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
I've ordered a shaft from this American company They make various claims for their product, including lower spin & dispersion. Being a sceptical person I am not sure but there is only one way to find out! If it gives me a high flight with not a lot of spin it might fit the bill. If not, I may be able to get back most of my investment by having the only one in the UK for sale. Due here on 20th January. I've read a few conflicting reviews & a long piece by the company owner explaining how they've cured the problem of the adapters coming loose (I hope they have, very costly to return it to the USA).

A full appraisal will follow once I've put it to the test.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Says it has less than 1% torque. Mmm. There is probably a reason that no other shaft brand makes them like that. Sounds like there is a touch of snake oil in the recipe. Might be a bit like the Nunchuk shaft from a few years ago which felt quite firm but was actually quite playable and straight.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Says it has less than 1% torque. Mmm. There is probably a reason that no other shaft brand makes them like that. Sounds like there is a touch of snake oil in the recipe. Might be a bit like the Nunchuk shaft from a few years ago which felt quite firm but was actually quite playable and straight.
I've always fancied trying a Nunchuk but never managed to get my hands on one. They are very different, mind you, the Nunchuk is a very heavy shaft, this one is 46 grams. As far as snake oil is concerned, I'm a fan of CBD Oil & Chiropractors so I must be a sucker for anything like that. ?


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I've always fancied trying a Nunchuk but never managed to get my hands on one. They are very different, mind you, the Nunchuk is a very heavy shaft, this one is 46 grams. As far as snake oil is concerned, I'm a fan of CBD Oil & Chiropractors so I must be a sucker for anything like that. ?

I would tend to be a bit suspicious of a $99 that claims to do something better than any of the premium shafts. I had a Nunchuk once, and thought it was good. One flex fitted all, if I recall correctly.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
First impressions. I have tried out the shaft at the range & the results were, to say the least, surprising. When installed in my TaylorMade M5 the shaft looks, & feels, like a stick of liquorice. My current shaft is rated “A” but this one waggles like a fishing rod. I hit the ball high anyway & this shaft shouted “high ballooning slice”, even with my 85mph swing speed.

To my surprise the flight, at standard loft, was perfect, a nice rainbow flight, not too high & not too low. You’d expect quite high dispersion with such a flexible shaft but this wasn’t the case. When I remembered not to throw my right shoulder outside the line at the start of the downswing, I got my trademark soft draw. When I forgot, I got my usual start straight & go right shot which I try so hard to avoid. I wouldn’t say that any of the shots I hit hooked or sliced more than they usually do. Perhaps this is the low torque counteracting the flexibility of the shaft.

As far as the flight is concerned, I got the impression that backspin was as low, if not lower, than my regular shaft. As far as I could tell shots were going at least as far as the regular shaft but I will know more after a game on Friday at my home course, where I know pretty well how far I hit on each hole.

To summarise, a very easy shaft to hit for someone with a moderate swing speed. I would love to see how the regular & stiff shafts perform in the hands of faster swingers than me.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Well, this shaft is an enigma. Took it out onto the course today in quite windy conditions. You would expect a shaft so flexible to be hard to control in to the wind, the opposite was true. On our 14th, a long par four directly into the wind, I hit the ball as hard as I could. This normally results in a high shot with too much backspin. In this case the ball flew a perfect height, with no evidence of excessive backspin at all. The shaft seems to be, in spite of its flexibility, very stable. I only missed two fairways by any large amount & both were really bad swings. I need to try it out in calm conditions when I can better gauge the length compared with my regular shaft. The impression I got today was that it was definitely longer into the wind, which is most important. It's staying in the driver for thee time being. I've had more expensive shafts perform worse than this one, that's for sure.