Starting again (going to try!)


Dec 11, 2018
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Hi all
Tried playing golf about a good few years ago, but gave up ( I wasn`t very good even after 5 lessons) . With the new handicap system coming in im going to try again. I got the bug by taking my nephew to the pitch and putt !!!
Whats the opinions about the online golf lessons i had watched a few , i enjoyed watching Mark Crossfield . But basically i would be starting again so maybe real lessons would be better

Thanks G1205:)


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Personally lessons with a pro would be more beneficial IMO, you never know if you are doing it right and could be causing more problems and ingraining the wrong thing.. Go see a pro.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I would look to get a course of lessons. Many pros will be offering deals for Christmas so have a look at local clubs and ranges. Get the basics sorted and it'll stand you in good stead. Then go out and play. Don't worry about scores but just learn to play golf on a course not a range

Shooter McPowick

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Apr 2, 2016
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If it were me I wouldnt take things to seriously to begin with, golf is hard, some people have been playing for years (like me) and theres loads of room for improvement.

Make sure you are gripping the club correctly and ensure you take your stance correctly - this info is easily obtainable on the internet - and go and teach yourself.

Bubba Watson has never had a lesson... but then again, neither have I :D


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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The online stuff can be good for understanding the swing or finding a solution to a particular issue - once you have the basics well and truly ingrained. The problem with online tips is that the pro cannot see you and has no idea about root causes or your swing.
I would advise finding a pro who is invested in your progress. If you know one, ask another golfer who has been playing for a while to recommend a pro. If you need recommendations local to you, just ask on here. All pro’s are not the same.
Start with a plan to get the basics ingrained, particularly the grip. Stick with what you are taught, even if it feels uncomfortable to start with. Don’t get distracted by others, quick fixes online or by experimenting with things that may seem to work, but then don’t. We have all done that. Commit to do what the pro teaches and practice between lessons. Aim to be his / her best student.
To begin with, play purely for fun. There will be lots of time for frustration later 😀. Don’t give up just because you don’t see instant success. Stick with it and believe me you will be rewarded. It is an amazing game and your life will be much improved for playing. Good luck!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Might be worth having a brief lesson at the start for the basics of grip etc. But then I wouldn't get bogged down in having multiple lessons at the start, just get out there and enjoy yourself, and see how you do. Some people swear by lessons but they're not for everyone. Personally I actually prefer not having too many thoughts in my head while I'm playing so I just go out and swing the way that feels right to me. Yeah I'm not great at golf but I enjoy it.


Dec 11, 2018
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Thank you for all the replies, i know what my bad habits and limitations are i have studied golf swings in slow motion (ok i aint gonna swing like Rory) and i was never able to compute all the component parts of the swing..................... to be blunt i just threw the club at the ball lol

i was never much good at any sport and imho you have to have a bit of natural talent or it is difficult

if i was scoring the parts of my game it would be (out of 10)
Off the tee 3
mid to long 3
short to mid 4.5
short 6
Putting 7

so i will put a bit of work in this time without going ott and hopefully it will improve
As a goal i doubt if i will ever break 100
but with the new handicap scoring system at 54 using 9 hole scores i would like to get to 44/45 in a year

Thanks again


Dec 11, 2018
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Got some clubs now a very nice set of Adams Idea irons and a Yonex 3 and 5 wood swung them felt comfortable good to start and if thing dont work out got some resell value !!!!! (thats not being negative just realistic) :)


Dec 11, 2018
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Well i had a lessons today (not an official one) i will not bore you with details. The bottom line is due to nerve impingement in my neck which rears it ugly head now and again and pins and needles in my left hand..... ditto
Its awkward to say the to say least to `organise` a golf swing BUT i am not giving up........ next year i am determined i am going to get a handicap (with the new system)
so i am going watch vids and try and come up with a swing and plan my way around my local nine hole course ...... hope spring comes early !!!!
Cheers G :)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Well i had a lessons today (not an official one) i will not bore you with details. The bottom line is due to nerve impingement in my neck which rears it ugly head now and again and pins and needles in my left hand..... ditto
Its awkward to say the to say least to `organise` a golf swing BUT i am not giving up........ next year i am determined i am going to get a handicap (with the new system)
so i am going watch vids and try and come up with a swing and plan my way around my local nine hole course ...... hope spring comes early !!!!
Cheers G :)
Stay patient. I still suggest finding a good teaching pro that can work with your limitations and can sit down and talk you through how he'll build a swing around what you can manage. I'm sure you'll get a handicap and then start getting it down as you play more regularly. Good luck and keep us posted on how you're getting on

Mrs Wiggles

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Dec 5, 2018
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Hi all
Tried playing golf about a good few years ago, but gave up ( I wasn`t very good even after 5 lessons) . With the new handicap system coming in im going to try again. I got the bug by taking my nephew to the pitch and putt !!!
Whats the opinions about the online golf lessons i had watched a few , i enjoyed watching Mark Crossfield . But basically i would be starting again so maybe real lessons would be better

Thanks G1205:)

I have a friend who dropped from a handicap of 18 to 11 in few months. He claims this was purely down to YouTube.

My simple tips are as follows, as given to me by a very experienced pro
1) keep your eye on the ball
2) practice you putting, then practice it more
3) keep your left arm straight
4) think of your body as a pendulum
5) ensure your grip is right


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Nov 29, 2018
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Well i had a lessons today (not an official one) i will not bore you with details. The bottom line is due to nerve impingement in my neck which rears it ugly head now and again and pins and needles in my left hand..... ditto

I had muscular problems growing up, I thought this would affect how I play. I found a good pro who is helping me find a swing which is best suited to me. I'll never be a big hitter but I've added 40+ yards on my drive from the help.


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Jun 9, 2019
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There are sooo many tips and help videos and info out there. Far too much I think. The best thing I did was focus on the basics, rather than all these different things. How can you remember all that when playing or practising?? I now actually play less, practice more at home and enjoy the golf when I do play. I simply enjoy the feeling of hitting nice shots and focus less on the points and scores (although they have improved).

I spent a lot of time reading and finding different things to adjust. Lot's of things. But honestly, the best thing I did was relax and simplify things and focus on the basics. Makes a real difference. I actually documented the best things I learnt from the thousands of tips out there. Hope to help others realise golf doesn't have to be so mechanical and can be very enjoyable!


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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Give it up, life’s hard enough without putting you yourself though hours, weeks, years of misery. It’s no fun putting yourself down for a treble every hole