I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time to get a free sleave of the new Srixon ball. I put it to the test straight away and played 8 holes and I was dam impressed.
Feels softer than the Z-urs and certainly reacts on the greens. Putting wise I again thought that it offered a bit more feel than the Z-urs, which was my main grype about the Z-urs. Being a Srixon ball man I closed my eyes and putted with both balls and I could tell the difference. (My mate placed the ball for me so I didnt know which was which!)
No wonder VJ and Boo have switched, Pro V1 be afraid, be very afraid as I think that you have certainly met your match or even your better in my opinion.
Thats my ball of choice sorted for this season, just need to lose 6 brand new Z-urs's first. I recommend that you try it. (the new ball that is not losing 6 brand new balls!)
Srixon also have a Z-StarX in their range which is aimed at the Pro V1x or TM Black players.
Dont know whether this should be in the review section or not but since its a new product I decided to post it here in the lounge for discussion, if a mod wants to move it I wont take the huff and spit the dummy!
Feels softer than the Z-urs and certainly reacts on the greens. Putting wise I again thought that it offered a bit more feel than the Z-urs, which was my main grype about the Z-urs. Being a Srixon ball man I closed my eyes and putted with both balls and I could tell the difference. (My mate placed the ball for me so I didnt know which was which!)
No wonder VJ and Boo have switched, Pro V1 be afraid, be very afraid as I think that you have certainly met your match or even your better in my opinion.
Thats my ball of choice sorted for this season, just need to lose 6 brand new Z-urs's first. I recommend that you try it. (the new ball that is not losing 6 brand new balls!)
Srixon also have a Z-StarX in their range which is aimed at the Pro V1x or TM Black players.
Dont know whether this should be in the review section or not but since its a new product I decided to post it here in the lounge for discussion, if a mod wants to move it I wont take the huff and spit the dummy!