It's 6.30 and i'm in work tending to the sick and needy. Not that bad really youngsters with physical disabilities and they are all excited because it's CHRISTMAS
Just up, Having my cereal and bucks fizz, weird combination but its working. Dont get pressies till after lunch! but hitting the beer, sherry, port, scotch soon
Doh, your a good man, hope you all have a great day.
In work also, Just had a nice fry up and made sure the centre was still in order. We have britains tallest christmas tree on one of our carparks and santa didnt leave a single present under it.
Not gonna be too bad, I am sat in our comfy seat in the Canteen on the laptop so its not too bad. Rather be at home ripping the paper off my toys though! Desperate to know what is in the AG bag.
I GOT A SKY CADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT A SKY CADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT A SKY CADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT A SKY CADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT A SKY CADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT A SKY CADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm up and about. Went to the pub last night and took a gamble and had a pint. Technically an absolute no no with my pancreas but I drunk it over 2 hours (I use to have 6 in that time) and so far so good.
HID is doing a sterling job on the dinner preparation front and I've just watched Soccer AM and just chiliing out. Pressies after dinner but not expecting anything golf related. Have a good day one and all
All well here. Only gripe is that I got a mini-laptop (Acer One - Linux) and I am running it hard-wired into the wireless modem. It can find wi-fi, but only next doors and every other household for half a street!
Merry Xmas one and all , I dont think ill be able to get out of this computer chair my belly is so full not much in the way of golf stuff but my 6 year old daughter got a half set of proper kids clubs so were off to the pitch and put in the morning and you never know in ten years time the LPGA ."NOT IF SHE PLAYS LIKE HER DAD"WHO SAID THAT HEHE.
Well the hangover went (eventually) and had a great day.
Missus cooked a superb dinner, watched Nick (one of the twins) getting to grips with his remote controlled helicopter in the garden and settled down this evening to watch Mamma Mia. What a great "feel good" film.
Brother coming down tomorrow for lunch, and no doubt a drop more wine...
Kids away to their grandparents on Saturday for a week so might go out in the evening for a nice meal with Sam.
Game of golf lined up for Sunday morning, 10.14 tee off looking forward to getting out now that the effects of my bout of 'flu are nearly all gone.
I got balls! lots of them, middle of the road stuff and dunlop! heh heh, dont you just love family.
My practice bag is full of used balls but Im not sure I want to put dunlops in there heh heh. The Ultra's I will have a go with, I dont mind them this time of year, still I got a scarf, the missus got expensive earrings, a laptop, posh smellies as per the standard christmas criteria and many other things........the balance doesnt look right somehow!
My dad went to Oz, and brought it back. I have no idea what it is for (apart from the obvious use to which it's previous owner put it to).
Home at last. Beer, and a warm cat sat on my lap.
Logged in on my new note book / mini laptop Toshiba NB100. Very cute and small. Only weighs 1Kg, so I can hold it in one hand while I type with the other.
Only golfing gifts were a towel, some tees and a tube of proVs, so not bad. At least there was nothing naff.