Short Game


Medal Winner
Mar 13, 2012
Basildon, Essex
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I really struggle from anywhere inside 30yards. I tend to go straight for my pitching wedge but my chip shots are ineffective and are normally too hard or too soft. From distance I'm very happy with my PW play and can produce good shots to approach or go for the green. But if I get stuck too close I have no idea how to go about playing a safe shot that I can use to get me on the green and have a reasonable putt. Obviously I know it won't be a quick fix, but being able to do a chip and run or a flop shot from inside 50yds would save me so many shots. Any tips would be appreciated.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi 30 yds out is a tricky distance, too long for a chip and short for a pitch shot

What i do is all short chips use the chip putt stroke as advised by Bob on here, works well under pressure

The shot you have described depending upon hazards enroute etc will determine the club to use, nothing in the way maybe chip and run if short dry grass in front

I tend to use my 48 deg WEDGE and play a simple but reliable method that Tom Watson uses for those mini pitch shots

Feet apart approx 6", ball position in line with back foot big toe
hands ahead of ball

Weight more on frontleg to promote downward strike

The next part is the crucial part

As you play the shot the lower body moves where the back knee moves towards your front leg and this movement makes it fluid and stops you breaking the wrists and flicking

You can change the follow through to suit ball flight but the lower body knee movement works wonders

This can then be expanded on for longer shots where a wrist hinge happens in the back swing for longer pitch shots

When you master the technique you can experiment with different clubs


Medal Winner
Mar 13, 2012
Basildon, Essex
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Sorry reading back it sounds a bit stupid about a chip and run from 30yds unless it's a very quick fairway haha. I know what type of shots I need to be playing but it's how to play them. I've only been playing a year but I only tend to go once or twice a month.
Flicking my wrists is where I go wrong I think, when I go to play a shot from 30yds I tend to go under and hit the ground rather than ball or I top it and it flys across the green or in another direction. I'm having a round with a PGA qualified player on Sunday. Hopefully he can help me out too. But I will try your method, it sounds like what I need to do so hopefully it feels good and produces good shots with some practice!


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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geary, I know where you are with this....I couldn't do these shots at all in my first year or two. Bigger than a chip, smaller than a 1/2 full shot.

a lot of players seem to reach for the wallet and go and buy a mega-lofted wedge in the hope of finding an answer, but that's not the way to go.

the problem, as I see it, and thought of it at the time, is that most players can swing a club back without cocking the wrists and then make a reasonably reliable strike of the club on the ball. Once you "break" those wrists, you brain is likely to go into full swing overdrive, panic set in, you (me) decelerate into the short, total disaster.

Do you know the "L" to "L" drill? Here's a quick youtube.

This is done for general swing health, but can be used to train yourself to to make as small a swing as possible, cocking the wrists, yes, but no more. You'll probably find you get consistent distances with your PW and SW doing this shot. I get about 45-50 SW and 60-70 PW. Done well, you'll also get a sweet hit, and hear the club thumping the ground with a distinctive sound.

Make your stance narrow, grip down the club (experiment) and try opening and closing the face to see what happens. For example, if I want to get the ball to land and run, I'll hood the face and have plenty of follow-through after the hit. If I want it to stop quick, I'll open the face and restrict the follow through. I don't know if that's normal, but it works for me.

Alternatively, you can learn the stiff-wristed approach using a 9 or 8 iron and see if you can run the ball in with a BIG chip stroke.

Either way, I bet you can learn to hit the 45-50 shot in 30 balls thinking L to L, and then cut it down, grip it down, narrow the stance etc until you can get down to 25-30 yards.

I hope this makes some sense, I'm not great at these, it's always been weak, but I have helped some friends getting them to try this style. Big swings, small acceleration = bad. Small swings = positive acceleration = good.


Assistant Pro
Jul 10, 2012
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My short game used to lack confidence before i started putting the time in with short game practice and dialing in distances. Dont be scared to experiment with 8-9 iron. Rescue club can be effective around 30 yards!


Medal Winner
Mar 13, 2012
Basildon, Essex
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My first instinct was to go and buy a lob wedge, I did find a dunlop one for a fiver which I was just gonna try out and see what it felt like, but I do really like the pitching wedge I have. I get really good distance with it and I manage to keep in control of shots from anything around 100 yards down to 60-50. A few times over the par 3 course I can go around 6 or so of the holes and use my PW off the tee and get the green on 130-150yd holes.

I'll definitely have a look at that drill. Gonna try a few methods and see what feels most comfortable and work with that I think.

@Minhoca I was watching a video Gmac had on his app about chip and runs, i think he went down to a 7 iron for a chip and run! but i've never tried them from 30yds or so. Maybe 50-60 with my 9 iron but never really use it inside any closer than 50. May be worth a try though!


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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I had a lesson at golf live and was shown the method as per wolfman and has helped me alot. I tend to use my 52 from the range you mentioned to great effect a sort of long chip shot, even a bit off of wrist hodge if needed.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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@Minhoca I was watching a video Gmac had on his app about chip and runs, i think he went down to a 7 iron for a chip and run! but i've never tried them from 30yds or so.

Chipping long distance is great, no doubt. I play massive long chips on links and dry courses, chasing balls up the green, all sorts.

Only problem though is (like today) playing when it's either damp or there is rough to get over. I got half way round wondering why my short game was letting me down, then I realised I had the wrong shot going on, basically the 20-30 yard PW without breaking wasn't cutting it. I went to the bigger shot with the SW and got up and down 4 times on the back 9.

You/we/me need to have both. How else do you get over bunkers and/land the ball to stop with very little green. :)


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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What you need to do is present the shaft back to the ball the same angle it was at address, ie with hands ahead and the shaft leaning towards the target. The problem is a lot of players try to lift the ball and flick the club at the ball causing the wrists to break and the shaft leaning away from the target.
How I play this shot is set up with a slightly narrower stance with the club in a neutral position at address, ie hands ahead and then take the club back to horizontal position. From here I turn towards the target making sure that my naval during the swing has turned around my spine and finishes up facing the target. You need to comit to the swing. Most importantly at impact I envisage the club being presented to the ball at exactly the same angle it was at address, ie hands forward with shaft leading towards the target.
Also swing easy and keep you head down allowing it to lift as you turn through the ball with your naval facing the target


Assistant Pro
Jul 10, 2012
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You/we/me need to have both. How else do you get over bunkers and/land the ball to stop with very little green. :)

I use my 54* for most of my wedge shots from inside 50. If im over a bunker ill use the 60* but my distance control needs more attention. Should really carry a 56* but get around alright without it. I use the rescue if the fairway is tight and the pin is at the back with very low hazard in front. Its a good shot to have as its the same shot i use if the drives gone into the trees and i need to get out onto the fairway but want to gain 30-50 yards instead of just pitching it out sideways.


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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Some nice pointers here good luck - i wont add to the melee of suggestions :)

I woudl just say that i have colleagues who have for years played 30 yard chip and runs on parkland courses very well. i regulalry 15 to 20 yard chips and occasionally more. i personally work with Bob's V-easy to do this (when practising) and my consistency around greens has improved dramatically

Good luck - hope you make some good progress; let us know how you get on


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I would just say that i have colleagues who have for years played 30 yard chip and runs on parkland courses very well. i regularly play 15 to 20 yard chips and occasionally more.

Nice. :)

Great shot to use. Worth learning, and easy peasy with a V easy.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I really struggle from anywhere inside 30yards. I tend to go straight for my pitching wedge

a video of me using 3 different clubs to a flag about 20 yards away.
The idea is to feel like you're trying to hit the ball under the shaft.
If you get it right the ball will lift over the shaft.
The headcoover behind the ball is there to ensure you hit down on the shot.
Just vary the length of the backswing to hit the ball different distances.

[video=youtube;84pM1EMya_E] index=6&feature=plcp[/video]


Medal Winner
Mar 13, 2012
Basildon, Essex
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Been over the par 3 this morning and working on short game with a coach for the first time. Miles better already. Got my best score when i went round for 9 alone!

Turns out I was addressing and playing the shots completely the wrong way :D but now I have made it more comfortable and was playing lovely shots close to the pin despite the course being a bit like a paddling pool in places!


Head Pro
Sep 16, 2007
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30 yards is a simple shot to play. All you need to do is all below

64 degree wedge.
Face wide open, aim left and take a full swing. Ball should go 60 yards up and exactly 30 yards forward.

Only if you are Seve, Phil, tiger etc