rules you'd like to see changed


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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durring last weeks comp i was on fire. hit a great drive down the 16th to find the ball had stopped in the mother of all divots. it looked like it was dug with a spade. durring a friendly game i would have moved my ball but rules being rules i had to play it. what i dont understand is why can you not get relief from a divot if your fellow competitior/s agree? i know that some folk are going to say ''thats golf'' but it doesn't answer the qustion. if your off the fairway then i agree, tough luck! but why get punished for a good shot? i think this rule should be changed. do you have any rules you'd be glad to see the back of?
I do believe if you clearly landed in a divot you should be entitled to relief

The fairways are clear on most golf courses, and you should never be playing from a hole when you hit the fairways
Plugged ball in the rough- no relief!! needs changed asap.

@ OP, difficulty is what constitutes a divot? open to misinterpretation or even misuse.
Plugged ball in the rough- no relief!! needs changed asap.

@ OP, difficulty is what constitutes a divot? open to misinterpretation or even misuse.

Agreed with the chances of misinterpretation of whats a divot but i think it should be looked at, with some rules in place for what counts are a divot or not
The problem with allowing relief from divots would be that any time someone had a less than perfect lie they would be trying to get relief!

As i said there would need to be clear guidelines established for it to work by people much betting at figuring that stuff out
during last weeks comp i was on fire. hit a great drive down the 16th to find the ball had stopped in the mother of all divots. it looked like it was dug with a spade. durring a friendly game i would have moved my ball but rules being rules i had to play it. what i dont understand is why can you not get relief from a divot if your fellow competitior/s agree? i know that some folk are going to say ''thats golf'' but it doesn't answer the qustion. if your off the fairway then i agree, tough luck! but why get punished for a good shot? i think this rule should be changed. do you have any rules you'd be glad to see the back of?

I do believe if you clearly landed in a divot you should be entitled to relief

The fairways are clear on most golf courses, and you should never be playing from a hole when you hit the fairways

I agree with both of the above. However, there are golfers out there that would want relief from the slightest imperfection on the fairway claiming it to be an old divot. Hence, when does a divot hole not become a divot hole? By not getting relief is the only fair way for everybody.
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How do you define what is and isnt a divot? Also playing from a divot isnt that tough a shot. Learn how to play it
I do believe if you clearly landed in a divot you should be entitled to relief

The fairways are clear on most golf courses, and you should never be playing from a hole when you hit the fairways

+ 1 on this!!!!:mad: its an absolute disgrace that this hasnt been enforced yet. Its such a nightmare and demands a certain level of skill thats not available to the average golfer to recover from this. Totally unfair not to be able to pick and place from a obvious divot in the fairway in summer.
How do you define what is and isnt a divot? Also playing from a divot isnt that tough a shot. Learn how to play it
It is when it is about two inches deep, and you are in the back of it.:( Our first hole is a short par four with a ditch accross the fairway. Nearly everyone lays up to the same part of the fairway from where it is a wedge, nine iron to the green off an upslope. The divots are usually monsters, and by playing out of them the divot becomes even bigger. Golfers do replace their divots but the crows turn them over.:(
+ 1 on this!!!!:mad: its an absolute disgrace that this hasnt been enforced yet. Its such a nightmare and demands a certain level of skill thats not available to the average golfer to recover from this. Totally unfair not to be able to pick and place from a obvious divot in the fairway in summer.

it's been go through with all the ruling bodies for over 100 years - the issue remains that what constitutes 'a divot', and if you take the above approach you might just as well play preferred lies on the fairways at all times because every imperfection will basically be a repaired divot from some time for some people.

don't even start on the impact it would have on slow play either!
It is when it is about two inches deep, and you are in the back of it.:( Our first hole is a short par four with a ditch accross the fairway. Nearly everyone lays up to the same part of the fairway from where it is a wedge, nine iron to the green off an upslope. The divots are usually monsters, and by playing out of them the divot becomes even bigger. Golfers do replace their divots but the crows turn them over.:(

Hit the ball to 8 iron distance then :)

One of the earlier posters mentioned about no relief (free) given when a ball is plugged in the rough. This is only for us amateurs, professionals have a special rule that allows them a free drop if the ball is embedded anywhere on the course. (But don't ask me why they should be different).
It is when it is about two inches deep, and you are in the back of it.:( Our first hole is a short par four with a ditch accross the fairway. Nearly everyone lays up to the same part of the fairway from where it is a wedge, nine iron to the green off an upslope. The divots are usually monsters, and by playing out of them the divot becomes even bigger. Golfers do replace their divots but the crows turn them over.:(

New local rule, ban crows from the course- simples:smirk: