Rolf Harris

Before this gets out of hand, lets remember that this is a public forum

I am disappointed his name has been dragged into this as he doesnt seem to be from the same cloth as DLT etc, he was arrested and let go to attend hearing in May, not part of the main Yewtree investigations and falls into the "other" section which to me looks like it could be innapropriate advances rather than anything underage etc.
Come on someone had to say it, very topical and worthy of sensible debate and light hearted puns.

Not me bud I found your comment mildly amusing. But 1 minute after my original post a mod issues a reminder before it starts:) Anyway I am surprised at him being involved in all this and would like to hear all the facts about what he has supposedly done.
Not me bud I found your comment mildly amusing. But 1 minut after my original post a mod issues a reminder before it starts:) Anyway I am surprised at him being involved and would like to hear all the facts about what he has supposedly done.

Same here, to me he was/is a lot more clean cut/wholesome than most.
There's not much info so we don't know the facts (though Yewtree is predominantly to do with underage offences) so I was just really having a chuckle at the irony of his signature tunes. It will be interesting to see how this one unfolds
I dislike the way the Press is 'suggesting' his guilt before he has had a chance to defend himself. There is something wrong with the way the Police raid these peoples houses and take away bags full of items. Come on! what evidence can there be from over fourty years ago? DNA on an old kipper tie
I'm always disappointed when people are named before they are charged.
Harris has been arrested, questioned and released.
If any accusations are proved to be false, his name will be linked with Saville until the day he dies when nothing has been proven.
Keep names out of the Media until charges are made.
I'm always disappointed when people are named before they are charged.
Harris has been arrested, questioned and released.
If any accusations are proved to be false, his name will be linked with Saville until the day he dies when nothing has been proven.
Keep names out of the Media until charges are made.

I can't disagree with anything Imurg has said here. Now seems with the media and public perception these days it's guilty until proven innocent. Which doesn't work because the media coverage means people will always link them to other meaning they live out their days under a cloud regardless of what's proved or not.

The amount of people from the 70s/80s & probably 90s at some point is going to mean when I look back on my childhood TV viewing its going to be well that was a good show but presented by yet another pervert if all the allegations against seemingly everyone were true. Sad times.
Also found it hard to believe anything against Rolf Harris, it's turning into 'trial by association' and of course the old adage 'there's no smoke without fire'.

One celeb a few months back (cant remember the name offhand but someone will) was associated with the yewtree investigations and it transpires that approx 45 years ago he had groped an over 18 'fan', I'm not condoning that behaviour but its not on the same planet as child abuse.

I'm sure we all were innapropriate to someone when we were 18 and drunk at a party:o

By all means investigate the allegations from 40 years ago Mr Policeman but do it privately until the facts are clear on both sides.
Through a friend I was told 3 names of celebrities that had been investigated by a rag and even that rags lawyers wouldn't let them print the stories ( This is one that prints ANYTHING!)

Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris are 2 of them so only one to go!