Right Foot


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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In an effort to make more consistent contact, and stop firing my right hip towards the ball on the downswing, I've been experimenting with feeling like I'm keeping my right foot grounded for longer before it starts to lift and turn.

The results so far have been much better contact, but there's been a side effect.

Most of my drives have been 5-10yd straight pulls, and a significant percentage of short irons have been pulled maybe 15-20'.

Is it more likely that I've not been aiming correctly to start with, or that my hips aren't now turning enough and letting my arms get ahead slightly?

Or maybe something else completely?

I've been trying to work things through in my head, but I don't have the knowledge of some on here.

Any thoughts appreciated.


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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i started working on the same thing about a week ago after a terrible snap hook mid round, my pro always said it was a weakness in my swing, mark crossfield has been doing a lot of videos on lower stabilisation latley, so i thought it was time to sort it.

the results have been good im more accurate, like you my ball has been starting with a pull but unlike you fading back onto target

i filmed myslef down the range since making the change and noticed i have started to come over the top again slightly, i think the reason for my shots starting with a pull

im sure you know about lower half starting the swing bumping towards target to drop it on the inside etc, i probably did this too much! now the keeping the right foot down has counteracted this to an extent. hence the pulls

to solve the problem i have changed my backswing of all things, makimg sure the club head stays outside my hands on the way back per this pic


and on the way downdropping my hands in the slot, trying to keep them as close to my hips as they pass.

it's worked i'm back on plane, my ball flight is better imho and i can keep my right foot down at impact.

may not be techincally the correct answer but my honest experience of making a similar swing change
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