Really struggling to get an inside downswing


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
I've been playing a couple of years and have a reasonable swing, the one flaw that I have struggled with from the start is my transition.

I have been told by several people that I seem to snatch that club from the top and no matter what I try I just cannot stop this to enable my down swing to start by getting the club either on plane or slightly inside. I've tried to 'feel' a pause at the top, my hand dropping from the top, my little left toe pushing into the ground when the club reach the top, putting my right foot back slightly amongst others. I've also tried the head cover drill, canes on the floor, canes in the ground.

I'm really frustrated and am hoping that someone can give me a decent drill(s) to help with this.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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you got any footage from face on?

atop your swing where do you feel most of your weight is?

if you not so clear on where that is, take a couple swings & focus on where you feel the majority of your weight is as you get to the top?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Real eye opening video. Taking it outside on the way back might help you to groove a feeling of dropping it inside on the way down.


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
you got any footage from face on?

atop your swing where do you feel most of your weight is?

if you not so clear on where that is, take a couple swings & focus on where you feel the majority of your weight is as you get to the top?

At the top of my back swing checking it on Wii balance board say between 62 and 73 % is on the right foot and pretty central on the foot, As I start my downswing, it touches my right heel (75%) then straight over to my left foot near my little toe (90%)

I rarely hit it fat or thin, but my swing path is often OTT, face on on my last lesson my pro said I have a steady head position, and contained it within a circle he placed around my head on cam.

Old clip from 2 1/2 years ago, and more recent clip last year, still same issue


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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couple things that may help some on set up (would agree with your lesson that you need to watch the grip position - right hand & head position as in the 'new' set up there)

couple of other thing to maybes consider, if you a mind to.
if you look close at set up in the net you'll see a closed foot line, to your target line.

the ball starting direction from your set up would start & go straight through that 'gap' in the net if not for the transition starting with a very active upper body/hands/arms so then swinging leftways which then has ball starting well to left half of net.

would seem from what you say + dates on the vids this issue problem has been there some time now.

so my take would be a small bunch of changes needed to get you to a better place, this assuming the current swing isn't giving you a reliable an efficent 'fade' pattern of shots to target - if it is though maybes scoring improvement better made through more short game practice.

width in a swing is necessary but width with little ways disconnection to the turn can be counter productive.
the width here with the right arm particularly is stopping the right elbow folding to keep that connection to the top.
a 'stretch' with the arms in takeaway can lead to ways too much tension arms & shoulders difficult to both finish the turn to the top & stop the shoulders wanting too fire straightways back down giving no 'time' for the lower body to function good & lead.
also too much width in a swing can lead to a ways high hand position atop with a right elbow becoming little disconnected at the top which is what I see here. natural connected width is needed though for sure.
(the opposite is true too narrow a swing going back tends to lead to too much 'depth' hands low & too far behind the heel line)
a good 'goldilocks' position is someways in between with the hands atop being someways near to atop the heel line.

if you look closely at the swing reaching the top position the upper body turn 'stutters' some, kinda seems to each the top, stalls, but then goes again just a tad further which momentarily tilts the spine towards target little ways.
most times this spine tilt towards then makes the 'correct' transition sequence - starting from the ground up - a good ways difficult. it tends to place at that final top position weight back on the lead leg/foot - so that you couldn't really lift any of the lead foot from the ground - so making the start from the ground up counter intuitive, so the arms shoulders go first off putting some more weight back on the trail leg. instead of the weight going onto to the lead leg & off the trail leg.

so that by ways of explanation as to what I see going on so why this has been an issue overtime for you.

would rejig set up some in a couple ways, both foot line, hips & shoulders square to ball/target line.
also would see if the base of the spine could be a little ways flatter, so not so much 'hollow' in the small of the back - often times this has a tendency to encourage this spine tilt the wrongs ways at the top.

plus have the hands just little ways higher at address so the toe of the club not so 'up' off the ground which will give a little more room between handle & thighs.
currently (net swing) hands low near to thighs & if you look at the very first move this makes the hands move out from the body with a little wrist action straight off bringing the shaft to point back inside halfways back, again something that will encourage the OTT move down from the top.

would put a stick/club echoing the toe line off the right foot to better monitor where the shaft is when first horizontal. when practicing would also use a 'shoe box' or box clubs come in on the ball target line that you put a ball only an inch or so from. so just enough room to swing from inside to square to back inside. just leave 1/4" between toe of iron & box.

as ever changes feel uncomfortable, pretty impossible to work with changes with full normal speed swings as habit just brings the old 'used to' swing patterns back.
so if you make changes you need to swing with the changes at 60% swing effort at a max.

the other issues are tempo & rhythm, will put a bunch of swing drills up for you to have a look see at. they would help some if done on a regular basis every practice season.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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maybes would slightly modify this drill start position. so when you move to wall - as you see explained on the vid. just move so the head cover (would put either a head cover or old glove on a 6i head if doing drill against wall - if you doing say against the 'net' you wouldn't need the cover) is say an inch or so away from the wall as your start position so not right on the wall & then make your first move (after the lower body weight left & hip bump) before the club starts down - the flattening off of the shaft so lowering the head first off to touch against the wall then drag it down that couple feet only.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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maybes the 'feeling' described here while the club shaft 'floats' momentarily atop the swing, there's just a tad of a sit down into both legs, weight moving little ways back through 50:50 to the lead leg could help some.

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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may look a little ways 'leftfield' & odd, but drill here a good ways to start to feel how the transition can work.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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this vid speaking to one of the earlier points about the top of the swing position replacing weight back on the lead side, so too much pressure goes back or stays on the lead leg at the top to be able to then start then making transition correctly from the lower body leading, so the upper body leads the club out & over some to end up swinging little ways steep out to in through the ball.
