Putting Rountine


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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Putting Routine

Hi Guys

A question regarding what your putting routine consists of.
Reason im asking i went round yesterday 13 over which i was really pleased with but left so many puts out there it was scary, hold just one put that was outside 4 foot, 3 putted 4 greens. I really need to improve, its not funny any more :mmm:

I think i just don't take enough care over my putting, walk up and hit it, so what rountine if any, do you guys have?
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Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Even "walk up to it and hit it" is a routine if you do it all the time.
It might not be a very good one but it's a routine nonetheless.

I don't spend a lot of time reading the line, just long enough to make a decision then stick to it. I only read it from behind the ball because it never helps me to look from behind the hole. Sometimes I'll read it from the side if I'm not sure if it's uphill or downhill.
Then I take a couple of practice swings looking at the hole to get a feel for the pace, then address the ball and hit it.
When I hit the ball I'm trying to think of my target rather than any putting technique.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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I don't spend a lot of time reading the line, just long enough to make a decision then stick to it. I only read it from behind the ball because it never helps me to look from behind the hole. Sometimes I'll read it from the side if I'm not sure if it's uphill or downhill.
Then I take a couple of practice swings looking at the hole to get a feel for the pace, then address the ball and hit it.
When I hit the ball I'm trying to think of my target rather than any putting technique.

This is pretty much exactly as I do although I look at the ball for one swing then the hole for four and I is working wonders for me so far this season.

So far my average has been 30 putts per round just the rest of it to sort out now though :rolleyes:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Even "walk up to it and hit it" is a routine if you do it all the time.
It might not be a very good one but it's a routine nonetheless.

I don't spend a lot of time reading the line, just long enough to make a decision then stick to it. I only read it from behind the ball because it never helps me to look from behind the hole. Sometimes I'll read it from the side if I'm not sure if it's uphill or downhill.
Then I take a couple of practice swings looking at the hole to get a feel for the pace, then address the ball and hit it.
When I hit the ball I'm trying to think of my target rather than any putting technique.

Pretty much sums me up also.

I don't tend to focus on techique with putting more getting the right pace for the stroke.


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2010
Northern Ireland
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I tend to try a gauge the green as I approach for the slopes etc.
on the green I read from behind the ball rarely from the other side of the hole. Once I'm happy with my line I get side on so I can what mg line will look like when I'm over the ball no practice stroke just look at the hole twice and then pull the trigger


Mar 24, 2013
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Re: Putting Routine

Hi there, IMO it's important to have a routine for all shots in golf, this prepares you mentally so there is no 2nd guessing or doubts creeping in, Me personally with putting line my ball up from behind on my intended line( double checking) then a couple of smooth strokes looking at the hole, always reminding myself the stroke is more important than the result!! ( this IMHO helps takes pressure off the stroke at hand! afterall once you have hit the putt it's gone! no point worrying about it! Me personally I am pretty happy if i put a good stroke on it even if it misses (even the best players miss, and anyhow using the philosphy u will sink more than u miss! I average between 29-31 and rarely 3 stabb, give it a go !


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
Re: Putting Routine

I've got two lines on my ball making a cross. I chose my line using information on the walk up to the green and on the green. If the green has a lot of slope and I'm not the first to putt I will walk around the hole from outside my ball line to try and feel when I stop going 'up' and start going 'down' - that line is often a straight putt and helps me guage the break of my putt.

I look down the line, estimate the amount of break and point the long line at that target point. I then take a few practice strokes lookimng at the hole to get a feel for pace. Get behind the ball ensuring my putter is square to the horizontal ball line and my feet are aligned with the putter. Breathe out and stroke it and wait to hear the ball drop on short putts or count to three for longer putts before looking up.


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Putting Routine

I'll mark my ball, pick it up and then use the line on the ball to line it up against the line I wish to take. I see puts as curves, so see the line in a curve going into the hole. I tend to line up the line on the ball to the direction i want it to set off on that curved line. It doesnt take long, I can usually see the curve as i bend down. Funnily enough, its the straightish ones which arent as easy. Then its just the pace, get the pace right and the ball will drop.

Like others above I dont really look from behind the hole, normally just from behind the ball.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 11, 2011
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Re: Putting Routine

You probably should ask how many putts all players posting their routine take per round, no point in copying a players routine if they are going around in 40 putts, if thats the case you can have my routine


Club Champion
Apr 2, 2008
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I tend to try a gauge the green as I approach for the slopes etc.
on the green I read from behind the ball rarely from the other side of the hole. Once I'm happy with my line I get side on so I can what mg line will look like when I'm over the ball no practice stroke just look at the hole twice and then pull the trigger

Pretty much my routine no practice strokes and last years average 28.32
Good luck.



Head Pro
Aug 15, 2011
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Re: Putting Routine

Find a routine that works for you. I do mine naturally now without thinking.

If you're struggling to putt at the moment, take your putter indoors and when you have 5 minutes, have a little practice. I'm being serious, it really helped me out.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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Re: Putting Routine

I generally dont mark my ball, playing partners usually do so means mine stands out :p

as for putting routine I havent got one, generally I find the more I try and work out the line/pace etc the worse my putts are. Get a general feel then go for it. I am not a brill putter but not too bad either, its the rest thats shonky as hell :p


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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Re: Putting Routine

Thanks for all the replies chaps.

Lots of ideas for me to try.... hopefully i'll find a routine i feel comfortable and confident with, and then try to stick with it.

If all else fails i've just put in an order for a taylormade ghost spider
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Journeyman Pro
Mar 20, 2011
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Re: Putting Routine

Plant the putter where I want to aim then build my stance around that.

If you build a stance then plant, your swing path and body might be off target!

At least it's just my poor aim I can blame


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Re: Putting Routine

Get a lesson too, I am sure in 30 mins you can work out a good routine and fix a couple of faults too!

My routine is pretty simple, gauge the slopes as I approach the green. Read the putt in the uphill direction as a minimum as well as a quick peek from the side.

Then its take my grip, a practice stroke or two while looking at the hole and then go.

I don't count my putts so I cannot tell you how many I take a round but its probably no more than 2 a green on average with a handfull of singles thrown in plus the odd 3 on tricky greens when I am miles across the other side of the green.

And I practice like crazy with my V-Easy all the time.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Re: Putting Routine

I use my Aimpoint chart to make my read. Takes about 10 seconds. Once I have my break, two practice swings for pace, into the ball and pick my spot and go

How does this work Homer? Is it an actual card you have that you read on each green?

I get get my read from behind the line of the putt but it doesn't form part of my routine, I struggle to see a line from the other side of the hole for some reason. I will do any reading before lifting my ball to clean it or whilst I'm waiting my turn to putt.
My routine is, place ball with line pointing where I want it to start (I am poor at this as I tend to have it pointing right of where I think it is pointing) step back to check where it's pointing and adjust if needed. Pick up my marker and look down the line again, two practice strokes thinking only about tempo. Move in and line up putter, one look at the hole and go.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Putting Routine

I just get behind the ball and look at the line. Pick a spot to put too. Take a couple practice strokes behind the ball looking at the target spot. step up to the ball, place putter behind ball line it up on the line. set my body and feet around this, take a look at the spot again tehn pull the trigger.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Re: Putting Routine

Every low handicap player I know has a putting routine and every high handicapper I know dosent.

Reading the breaks and judging the pace is something everyone needs to do otherwise you are putting by chance. A good routine also includes how you line up the putt, address the ball and more importantly how you make a sound repeatable stroke.