presidents day and speeches


Apr 1, 2008
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hi all, sunday was mens presidents day, by some miracle i managed to win, 40 points with 22 points on the back 9 winning a tie. was proper happy until on receiving the prize was asked to make a speech :eek: i said sorry i joined the club to play golf not make speeches as i hate public speaking, i mumbled a few words then walked off smiling. as i havnt been to any presentations before i was unsure of the etiquete required so probably looked a fool, any suggestions for winning speeches as i like the feeling of walking up to receive the trophy, just not the talking


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Thank the club for putting on the event, the organisers for doing the leg work, your playing partners for a great round, everyone else for a good battle. Pay tribute to the green staff and big up the captain.


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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In other words Tony Rub up all the right people ;) And don't forget to bask in the glory and keep it light hearted and amusing. Short and sweet will be the key- add a bit of humor (perhaps about an event on the course that was tremendously lucky) and keep your head up and look around the audience as opposed to murmuring into your chest and looking as if you are not interested in talking to people.

To be honest though it is often a case of whether you are a public speaker or not, it's nothing to do with the person- some people can do it some can't. I know for example some incredibly bright people who when asked to speak in public become lost for words and look like plonkers- it is not the case just the way it is. You have to be confident or you will not deliver a good speech.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Thank everybody but don't overdo it (president should already have done so but listen out for who he missed and make sure you include them),
it's an honour to receive/win this prestigious award/trophy etc or/and
to be linked with such names as (insert best known former winner)
don't be humble but don't gloat.
if you can't think of one or can't tell jokes - don't try
keep it short
Direct your speech towards somebody you can enjoy looking at (preferably in the centre of the room) that way you won't drop your head.