Presentations on the same day as the competition


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2020
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Some pretty scathing replies on that twitter thread.

I think its pretty ridiculous myself. Imagine teeing off at 8am and having to wait until 6/7pm until the final group had come in to be eligible for the prizes.

I've an Open there in July, won't be waiting to see the results.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Never been at a club where this happens. Are anyone members at clubs where you have to go back in the evening to get your prize ?

Think I'd be pretty upset if I'd won and got relegated down the list like these boys.......

That is an absolute disgrace and if it happened to me I’d be looking for a new club.

Club championship is on the day but is done so that the leaders are sent out last, so very little hanging about. Otherwise we used to have a trophy dinner, but that seems to have been replaced by presentations at Captain’s lunches throughout the year, which are not compulsory and do not result in your trophy being handed to someone else if you do not or cannot go.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Just to add, I've played there several times. It's a wonderful club and course. The members have always been friendly and welcoming. I suppose what suits some, doesnt suit others.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I have been to many Opens where it happens.

For many years it was the standard practice at the Captain's Comp day but in those days the Captain paid for all the prizes out of his own pocket so I think it deserved some respect to the Captain. It was written on the entry form - no show at the prize giving and you forfeit your prize and it happened a few times.

I have played in Opens where if you are in the winners and do not stay to collect the prize you have to drive back to club at sometime to collect it.

Deleted member 29109

Their club, their rules.

Don’t play there or enter the competition if you don’t like them.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Their club, their rules.

Don’t play there or enter the competition if you don’t like them.

I agree. I tend to think the original intent on some of these clubs/comps is for the social after party rather than the golf but that’s been lost over the years as people’s priorities have changed.

Sure, I wouldn’t want all comps to be run like this, but fine for some.

Deleted member 15344

One of old Presidents wanted to do the same sort of thing where if you weren’t there for the prize giving that evening you didn’t get it - he was politely told how archaic and ridiculous it was


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Their club, their rules.

Don’t play there or enter the competition if you don’t like them.

I understand that and you need to read the T&C's of the entry but its the whole concept I disagree with. You spend at least 4 hours playing plus any time prior to and after the round and for those with families and other commitments that's a large chunk of time. To then have to hang around or come back just because you have a chance to win is wrong. What happens if you are the first group out? Do you stay all day on the off chance your score won't be beaten or do you get a phone call once the scores are in demanding your presence. I doubt those that won/didn't win weren't even aware they had shot the best score

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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I'm playing an open there this summer. If they are telling me I have to sit around for 6 hours to claim a prize before a 4 hour drive home, they can shove it.

I assume this was not an Open.

In a SEPARATE matter, they can't spell.
...and they wrote "less points" when it should be "fewer points". ;)

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I agree. I tend to think the original intent on some of these clubs/comps is for the social after party rather than the golf but that’s been lost over the years as people’s priorities have changed.

Sure, I wouldn’t want all comps to be run like this, but fine for some.

Sorry, can’t agree with that. As a former emergency services worker, I could be on late turn that date, so can play but can’t attend in the evening; why should I be disbarred from winning for that? Even if I was off all day, in the event of a serious incident I could be called in to work when I should have been off and able to attend. As others have said, it’s archaic and provides evidence to those who claim that golf is stuck in the dark ages.