Post a review win £2000 of Nike gear - week 1 winners!


Content Director
Staff member
Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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The judges have made their selections... to see if you have won click on the link below. Winners can expect an email from me today with more details

There's still 24 more dozen balls to be won so keep the reviews coming.

Tip for posting review this week - pick your day! Friday, Saturday and Sunday didn't have that many reviews relative to Monday and Tuesday (over 20 each day) so competition for the top spot was less intense on those days
Back of the net!
free golf balls - what a nice way to start a Monday! :D

Thanks GM!
Hey Homer I reckon its a fix with the shenanigans involving the actual displaying of your review. Something backhand no doubt ;)

Just kidding- congrats to all winners.
No I am sure you can also post on the page of the right piece of equipment. Eg a review on the Callaway FTI-Q on the FTI-Q page. Either way is fine and sure to be noticed as GM have to aurthorise (and therefore read) any comment left by someone.
I think my TP black report (the full version) got posted under the balls section. The one on the main review page was cut off before the end?!

I think you are probably best trying to post on the main section where the omajority of other posts are to make it easier on the GM guys who don't have to keep looking through the other sections to see if there any new posts.
Hi all
ideally you'd post your course or equipment review after the actual review on the site (although obviously this requires an initial review by us for what you want to comment on to be there!) but in reality it doesn't really matter if you post on the landing page for the promo - we approve all comments made by forumers in one section on our content management system so it's no bother either way for us

Do not suppose you received my review on Stoke Rochford Golf Club, posted it last week but cannot spot it anywhere. Could just be another problem with posting from my Mac that I have experienced recently.
Anyone received their golf balls from Nike yet - I'm still waiting! :(
Balls arrived today....sweet!

Despite owning over 300 golf balls there is nothing quite like opening a brand new pack of expensive ones, particularly when they're free!! ;)