Posh electric trolleys


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2008
Wishaw, Scotland
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My wife bought me a Motocaddy s3 Digital electric trolley for my birthday in June and I absolutely love it!
However, whilst playing on the course last night with a guy that I hadn't met before, I approached the green, removed my putter from the bag, pointed the trolley at the next tee, set the distance that I wanted the bag to travel and let it go.
It's the best gadget ever in my opinion but this guy then proceeded to rip the p**s out of me for "showing off" and said that my trolley was "a bit wanky"

So my question is - are electric trolleys with a distance control function a genuinely useful tool which speeds up play by not having to retrieve your clubs all the time or, as my new friend contends, a useless waste of time for poncy show offs?



Head Pro
Dec 15, 2007
So my question is - are electric trolleys with a distance control function a genuinely useful tool which speeds up play by not having to retrieve your clubs all the time or, as my new friend contends, a useless waste of time for poncy show offs?


can't it be both!! :D

as long as you're happy with it and it helps you - who cares.

I prefer to carry but have been using an electric trolley recently. however our course can be quite steep in parts and uneven and i find it strains my back in different ways. not sure a remote trolley would stay upright if left to own devices. I suppose it also doesn't help that i need a new battery as mine runs dwon after 12 holes. so in effect i end up pushing a heavy non working electric trolley that can't be pulled behind due to the gearing. :D :D

Have you found you play any better with out the strain of carrying clubs??



Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
I carry because I play a short course, I also want to get exercise whilst playing as I am only 30 something. I do think people over use electric trolleys, I have seen a 12 year old player with a state of the art one, when for a 12 year old all he needs is a pencil bag, and said kid was over weight as it was. People have mentioned on here when trolley bans are in place, people actually dragging a bag around a course or getting a sick note wasting GPs time.

I would have also laughed at you (no offence meant) but it doesn't speed up the game that much and this whole "slow play" theory is nonsense mostly. Who needs or wants to run round a course as quick as possible, its about relaxing and if busy then you step up the pace between shots not save a few seconds here and there.

I understand people do use them to save shots, I do struggle on a short course carrying after 16 holes and find the energy & concentration to put one down the centre, but I think a push or pull trolley would give me that little bit extra, no need to remote controlled gadgets and the likes for me, but each to their own I guess :D.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Im all for them, I have heard it said that "only poofs don't carry" excuse the word there, but to be honest I think it is daft to make an already difficult game harder by carrying and leaving oneself knackered.

It would be impossible to carry my bag as fully laden it weighs a tonne.

I use a pull trolley myself, I am very happy with this and it does all I ask of it. It also means that I am not screwed physically by the last 3 or 4 holes like the carriers I know.


Assistant Pro
Mar 26, 2008
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Just ignore the bloke,his comments are a bit 'wanky' and to be honest unless the comment was made by a playing partner who I knew well I would be advising this fella to keep his comments to himself before I see how far I can fade his knee caps up his own arse with my 3 iron.
If it works for you,then ignore him. I am in my 30's,have an electric trolley and absolutely love it.
I aint no Ian Poulter but I also like to wear loud but stylish golf clothes which possibly means I stand out slightly. Do I care my golf is crap.....Not at all.
If im happy, Sod em all!!


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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mate of mine has a hill billy with this function, which caused a few problems when it went wrong. the control box shorted setting the trolley to max. it did a wheelie, shedding all the clubs then took off down the course. once he'd chased it down he had to wrestle it over so he could disconnect the battery.

unnecessary gimmick imo. pull or push trolley is sufficient until I'm too crocked to make it all the way round


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2008
Wishaw, Scotland
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Have you found you play any better with out the strain of carrying clubs??

Absolutely! I could never pull a trolley as I felt it strained my back twisting to drag it behind so I always carried my bag for twenty years. I always finished a round knackered. Not anymore.

I was firmly in the "real golfers carry" camp until a mate pointed out that golfers as a breed try and take advantage of every technical advantage to improve performance so why should we be ignore that when it comes to transporting our clubs round the course?
"But", I wailed, "real golfers carry!!!"

"Is that so?" he replied, "'cause I was watching Tiger Woods on telly and not once in five hours did I see him carrying his bag! Ain't he a a real golfer?"

Argument over.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2008
Wishaw, Scotland
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mate of mine has a hill billy with this function, which caused a few problems when it went wrong. the control box shorted setting the trolley to max. it did a wheelie, shedding all the clubs then took off down the course. once he'd chased it down he had to wrestle it over so he could disconnect the battery.

Are you friends with Frank Spencer??

This made me laugh out loud in the office and now people are looking at me funny. I hope this never happens to me.


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
I carry for the exercise more than anything else though, if I drop a shot or two on my last couple of holes I don't mind because I know I have gained better health from it. I would though at times (winter or hot whether) use a trolley, carrying 14 clubs, decent waterproofs, an umbrella, balls and the rest of it soaking wet is not a pleasant feeling at the best of times.

If you can afford a decent trolley & are not playing for the extra health reasons then I see no problem in it. The thing that gets me is when people take the piss with them like mentioned above, would taking half a set in a pencil bag when a ban is in place kill them?


Q-School Graduate
Apr 2, 2008
The land of the long green vegetable
If you want to use a trolley then do so, whatever the make model. There are lots of people who use all sorts of gadgetry so it's fairly normal to see these days. What I can't stand is when someone doesn't know how to use it and takes an age to sort themselves out.

Personally the day I can't carry my clubs will be the day I buy an electric trolley. Mainly cos I like to have the flexibility. That said, there were a couple of hot days recently (believe it or not) where a trolley would have come into its own.



Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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If I take my big bag then it's a trolley. If I take my stand bag it's carry. Depends on how I feel on the day.

I too used to think that powered trollies were for the oldies but everyone uses them. I do feel fresher after a round when I've used the powered trolley.

As for "wanky" I saw a demo of the stewart trolley last year. Now that was "wanky" would I have one? Abso-bleeding-lutely!!!!!
Wouldn't pay that for a trolley though but would be glad to test one for GM :D


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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Craig, what the guy actually meant when he called it "w4nky" was

I wish the F*$@ i had one of them. I was looking at on yesterday but have spent loads of cash this year and I am off to Benidorm in 6 weeks with the lads and I actually think the wife would forgive me for snogging a woman there but would chop off my wee man if I spent another penny on golf.


Assistant Pro
Oct 2, 2007
Ashford Middlesex
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I have an S3 and would not be without it,with all the stuff we carry why would you want to carry your bag and make this game even harder than it already is..


Head Pro
May 1, 2008
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I carry for the exercise more than anything else though, if I drop a shot or two on my last couple of holes I don't mind because I know I have gained better health from it.

I'm sorry but in my opinion golf is golf, if you want to get fit then go to the gym.
"get fit to play, don't play to get fit"

I use a powakaddy freeway and i'm only 29.
oh and i'm slightly over weight as it happens but i'm addressing that off the course and i've managed to lose a stone and a half this year already and this with the lecky trolley makes me much fitter all through the round shedding shots, not gaining any.
Each to their own.
If every1 was the same it would be boring and this forum would not exist. :cool:


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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What an idiot saying that, I am thinking of getting one as carrying my bag for more than 9 holes really hurts my ankle, I have arthritis in it.
If he had said that to me towards the end of a round when my ankle is killing me and I am playing like I am at the moment I would not be too pleased.


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
I have a leccy, a pull trolley and a stand bag. I usually strap my stand bag to both trolleys.

I carry if I'm having a few holes after work or a leisurely 9 holes.
Tend to use the leccy if I'm in a competition or playing a sociable 18 holes.
The pull trolley, used for most 9 holers on my course (quite hilly in places) and when playing away on relatively flat courses over 18 holes.


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 2, 2008
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Push, pull, electric, carry!!!!!!
Does it really matter as long as you are doing what you want to do?
I personally carry or use a cheapo pull trolley, thats me and i dont care what anyone else thinks.

Sounds like the WAN$%* with the wankey comment was showing the classic signs of "i can't afford one so i'll take the pish out of someone who can"
Keep your head up and ignore silly little people like him.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Use whatever suits you. I also have all 3 options, a GoKart for when my shoulder is playing up or I am hungover, a clicgear push trolley for most normal times (this has an ubmrella holder and I agree that they are very useful) and a stand bag for a few quick holes or when I am not carrying too much kit.

This stigma attached to using any form of trolley, electric or otherwise, should stop. At the end of the day we all have a preferred method of moving our clubs around and you never hear of any other sport where the method of moving your equipment is worthy of debate. People should remeber that the sport is in playing the shot and how you transport yourself and your clubs to the ball is an irrelevance.