Playing on my own


Assistant Pro
Jun 11, 2013
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So my playing partner has just pulled out of our Monday evening post work round. I am thinking at the moment that I will still go play by myself.

My question is that I am a relative beginner (play of 28) if some of the other members offer me to join there group is polite of me to make them aware that I play of 28 (I am not hacker I can get around the course, it tends to be poor shot selection that lets me down).

My worry is that I dont want to join up with a group and annoy them because on 80% of the holes I am needing at least an extra shot.

Should I be worried?
Its a tricky one and I suppose it depends on where you play and the membership.

Some of the HC snobs on here wouldnt entertain you but other low to mid HC's are'nt as anal and are perfectly happy and will offer hints and tips as you play.

I dont mind either way and if its quiet it sometimes nice to wander round on your own playing 2 balls. I did it the other Sunday evening and it was great practice.
if you're asked, go ahead and join them. It's only a game and everyone has to start somewhere. Don't get too up tight about it, play your own game and you'll be fine. Just get out there and enjoy it.
Don't worry about it, go and enjoy a game with some other folks if possible. Being good and relaxed company is far more important than the score (especially in a friendly after work). Keeping up with the pace of the game is important too - pick up on a hole if your score is racking up too much is the only advice i'd give to anyone including myself.
Absollutely don;t worry about your handicap and don't worry about what you think they might think if you muck things up. If you get in a total mess on any hole and if you feel awkward - just say 'I'll just pick up'. With any group of golfers saying that will earn you a great deal of respect as you are accepting your situation and respecting their invitation. Besides - you'll often find that your PPs will see that things aren;t as bad as you think and encourage you to keep going and NOT pick up.
Possibly worth mentioning it if they do ask you to join them.

If they've asked you to join, they shouldn't mind what level you are at - unless absolute beginner.

By accepting you as a member, the club has decreed you are a 'good chap' already!

Nothing wrong with playing on your own though - provided you don't mind the 'slow' play of others.

I would just join them if they offered you a game. Chances are they might just ask if you wanted to go ahead of them.

As for mentioning your handicap, I don't think I'd bother. Even if they didn't want to play with a hacker like us, chances are they wouldn't be so rude to say 'oh you're off 28, sorry cant play with you then'
Personally as someone who plays on their own twice a week, when I'm invited to join groups I thank them and warn them in a humerous fashion that I'm new to the game so it may take me a while. Normally lets them know and gets them behind you from the get go.
Its a tricky one and I suppose it depends on where you play and the membership.

Some of the HC snobs on here wouldnt entertain you but other low to mid HC's are'nt as anal and are perfectly happy and will offer hints and tips as you play.

I dont mind either way and if its quiet it sometimes nice to wander round on your own playing 2 balls. I did it the other Sunday evening and it was great practice.

I actually think this is a little harsh and not representative of people on here at all.

Sure, there are some snobs on here, but from everything I've seen people write, they are more than happy to play with anyone. Everyone started from some point, you dont get born with a single figure handicap.

Just go for it, play with whoever you like or invites you. It will be fun, so just enjoy yourself :)
I used to be worried by that stuff too.... first thing, do you actually want to join up with a group or would you prefer to play by yourself?

just be honest and say thanks for the offer, but I play off I'd:

1. perfer to head out by myself to join you but just want to say I play off 28 so only if you're sure I wont slow you down
Thanks for the replies, the club I have joined and the members I have spoken with on the course so far seem pretty accepting and welcoming, so I am sure I will be fine worst come to the worst I will just play on my own. I think I more nervous about them seeing my course management - which is laughable at times, and it the reason that I play of 28 at the moment, I can strike the ball just as well as my mid handicap friends but sometimes I get excited and instead of laying I go for the pin / try and bomb a driver of the tee when an iron would be safer / take on the pin instead of the middle of the green.

My main concern is making a fool of myself that way rather than mi******** shots. I see what the lay of the land is when I turn up. Chances are that there will be plenty of people with there not being a cloud in the sky.
So my playing partner has just pulled out of our Monday evening post work round. I am thinking at the moment that I will still go play by myself.

My question is that I am a relative beginner (play of 28) if some of the other members offer me to join there group is polite of me to make them aware that I play of 28 (I am not hacker I can get around the course, it tends to be poor shot selection that lets me down).

My worry is that I dont want to join up with a group and annoy them because on 80% of the holes I am needing at least an extra shot.

Should I be worried?

I played at a new course this weekend where every tee time has to be a 4-ball.
Me and my playing partner were paired up with a couple of Australian guys who had been living here for about 10 years.
Both really good guys and we all enjoyed a good round.

The other pair were good enough to get round the course but weren't particularly low handicap players but this didn't matter at all.
One of them went on to shoot his lowest score ever, 91, which he was particularly pleased about, the other gent will have scored over 100 but I am not sure exactly what his number will have been.

I'd say go for it if you get invited to join up with a group ahead and enjoy it.
You will hopefully learn more by playing with better players and you might make some new golfing buddies.
Fingers crossed you get paired up with the many understanding golfers who don't mind if you aren't threatening to hit birdies on every hole.

All the best
I play alone all the time mate as none of my friends are into golf, hence I'm not a member anywhere. Only being playing for a few months and I'm just glad to get under 100 each time I do 18 holes. It can be quite daunting sometimes, specially when people say I can play through and then proceed to knock one into the trees :o
It's almost catch 22, you want to play more to improve but don't feel confident enough to get out there on your own.
I often play on my own and I really enjoy it-can play 2 balls and get some practice in.

If you're offered the chance to join a group just say something like: "Thanks for the offer, I play off 28 so I wouldn't want to hold you up". The offer will then either be reinforced by them saying 'It's no problem/I'm off 24/We are in no rush" meaning you shouldn't worry and can join them OR they'll say 'OK, fair enough, have a nice round meaning Ok thanks for telling us but we might be quicker than you.
I play with whoever will play.
I sat waiting for a 3 ball that had gone out to get a few holes away from me before I teed off when a couple of lads turned up to play. They asked me to join them and had a great time, one played off 25 and the other played off 9. Really enjoyed their company and it made a practice round a lot of fun.