Phone call from the Blue.....


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Iv been getting splinters in my backside these past few months wondering what to do next year as my subs are due in January... Do I stay at my own club that's pretty relaxed and has a small member base about 450 and is a decent course.... Or do i move somewhere that charges roughly the same but is a further distance but take the same time to get to..... Or join a local club 15 mins from me that's just been opened recently after being closed for the past 5 years and isn't really up to the 700 euro subs that their charging....

Then yesterday I get a call from next years club captain.....
He said that I'm a decent club man and he would like if I took on the role of the Competitions Secretary for next season..... Shocked was an understatement but I'm a little apprehensive as to what it entails.... He assured me that it doesn't take up a lot of time and that most of what was needed I would be able to do on a computer as this is the way our system works.....

I'm flattered for being asked and I was a little gobsmacked when he asked but I think it might be a positive thing for me to do being that theres a shortage of volunteers at our course for things with the present climate the way it is.....

Has anyone ever taken on a role like this and was it good experience....... As you can imagine I'm stuck between a slight rock and a hard place now with the decision I have to make....... I love playing at my present club and will more that likely get the chance next season to represent them again at club level intercounty competitions.... Something if always aimed for.......

Sorry for the longwinded post....:thup:


Assistant Pro
Oct 12, 2013
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It sounds like a great opportunity to me. I'd take it with both hands. If you enjoy the course and get on well with the current members I'd class it as a no brainer.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Why you thinking of leaving current club any way?

Initially it was because of the club that opened 15 mins from me pal..... But since having played it I dont thinks its worth the 700 euro entry fee their charging...... The other factor was that our club dont seem to be looking after the course during the winter months..... Its never opened in the frost which is good but it tends to get a bit boggy in wet conditions and instead if them closing it and protecting it they leave it opened...... Its mainly small stuff that I'm sure with the right word in the right persons ear it may turn around........ I'd hate to leave as they've always been good to me through my injuries letting me play in a cast and also letting me spread the cost of my subs over 12 months as I was under pressure finacially for a bit over not being able to work......

unwound consider myself loyal.... Always have been even playing football..... I was never a player that chased medals....... I always knew that if I stayed patient then one day they'd come my way which they did......


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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I think you know what to do (or rather what your heart is telling you to do) and that's take the role, stay at the club you enjoy overall and help to make it a better club for all members.

I took on handicap secretary and really enjoyed it. Committe Meetings can be a drag but you do feel you're giving something back and also becoming an "integral" part of the place which is a good thing...

Stay for a year and try it - could be a great 2014 there for you.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I think you know what to do (or rather what your heart is telling you to do) and that's take the role, stay at the club you enjoy overall and help to make it a better club for all members.

I took on handicap secretary and really enjoyed it. Committe Meetings can be a drag but you do feel you're giving something back and also becoming an "integral" part of the place which is a good thing...

Stay for a year and try it - could be a great 2014 there for you.

Im kind of swaying that way Amanda...... It would be good for me and my game and to answer Homers post and your own in the same reply the reason i was thinking of leaving was for what i explained to Wayman above......

I had a long think about things over the past few weeks and looking at finances of all the clubs that are within my Budget my own is ever so slightly the cheapest by only 40 euros but its a nice club...... my own club is 30 mins drive form home and is about 22 miles... Its country roads which can be a bit lairy at times but im travelling them for the past 5 seasons so i know the bad spots.....

The other club is 35 mins from me but is about 35 miles and is all motorway.... So thats a 70 mile round trip which is a bit long.....

And as i said above the closest one to me is the one thats just opened after being closed for 5 years..... In the 8 months work that they started bringing it back to life they've done a great job but its not worth the money in my eyes at 700 euro... It needs maybe another 2 years to be up to scratch.... It has a driving range that i use during the winter months so im not really loosing out..... My present club has decent facilities and a nice practice area... No range and no Pro but i wouldnt consider that a disadvantage......

Maybe it would be a good thing to do all things being equal....


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Stick where you are and see if the re-opened club continues to develop and becomes worth the extra money - win win :thup:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Stick where you are and see if the re-opened club continues to develop and becomes worth the extra money - win win :thup:

True i suppose..... I was hoping someone would have some experience of the position.... But its maybe better if i see what its like for myself...

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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True i suppose..... I was hoping someone would have some experience of the position.... But its maybe better if i see what its like for myself...

indeed - it will vary significantly from club to club (in relation to the bits that may be important to you in practice rather than the underlying things that have to be done!) then there's the matter of how well the other key individuals do their roles, or like to do yours and, of course, the captain :D

handicap and competition sec roles are the lynchpin of many clubs - house and greens committee chairmen being added in where the members own the club. Captains are transient (although they often come from, or end up in, committee roles). The roles of President and/or Chairman, can vary hugely!

If you are comfortable taking the questions/flack over the winter course conditions, food prices, available beers and bunker sand levels you will get on fine........


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 30, 2011
North Ayrshire
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Iv been getting splinters in my backside these past few months wondering what to do next year as my subs are due in January... Do I stay at my own club that's pretty relaxed and has a small member base about 450 and is a decent course.... Or do i move somewhere that charges roughly the same but is a further distance but take the same time to get to..... Or join a local club 15 mins from me that's just been opened recently after being closed for the past 5 years and isn't really up to the 700 euro subs that their charging....

Then yesterday I get a call from next years club captain.....
He said that I'm a decent club man and he would like if I took on the role of the Competitions Secretary for next season..... Shocked was an understatement but I'm a little apprehensive as to what it entails.... He assured me that it doesn't take up a lot of time and that most of what was needed I would be able to do on a computer as this is the way our system works.....

I'm flattered for being asked and I was a little gobsmacked when he asked but I think it might be a positive thing for me to do being that theres a shortage of volunteers at our course for things with the present climate the way it is.....

Has anyone ever taken on a role like this and was it good experience....... As you can imagine I'm stuck between a slight rock and a hard place now with the decision I have to make....... I love playing at my present club and will more that likely get the chance next season to represent them again at club level intercounty competitions.... Something if always aimed for.......

Sorry for the longwinded post....:thup
Kid, go for it, i'm currently match secretary at our place, can be time consuming but rewarding. You can also attempt to influence the right people about your course in winter, soundfs as if you actually enjoy being at the club so no need to leave, just take the post and start the journey mate. Any questions regarding the post i'd be happy to help,there's also a few others that could guide you.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Kid, go for it, i'm currently match secretary at our place, can be time consuming but rewarding. You can also attempt to influence the right people about your course in winter, soundfs as if you actually enjoy being at the club so no need to leave, just take the post and start the journey mate. Any questions regarding the post i'd be happy to help,there's also a few others that could guide you.

Cheers Pal.... Really appreciate that....:thup:


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I've been handicap secretary at our place since January and so far its been a positive thing. I would recommend taking a similar role if you can afford the time. Its interesting to be part of committee meetings and to get a say on how the club is run. I'm moving into a vice-captain role next year, captaincy the following year.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Go for it Kid you've got nothing to lose. Do the job, if you do it well and like it you will stay and conversely you can make the switch later if necessary.


Sep 11, 2011
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Done the comps/h'cap chairman thing. It is time consuming but I really, really enjoyed it and would happily do it again.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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I think you have answered your own question.
The role is fairly simple nowadays as the computers do all the work.
It is good to be a giver....far to many moaning takers in today's society.
You may have to make the odd difficult decision re disqualification etc but you know you can always 'ask the experts' on here.
You also have a chance to influence the way the club is run.
A good committee is a thing of real beauty.

The new club is that......a new club.
It may be difficult to find playing partners that you enjoy playing with.
It will be fragmented for the first 10 years and then settle down.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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If you're retired or semi then take it. If you're still only young and golf is your escape then avoid like the plague!

Still only 39 pal..... So still the good side of 40 and I'm in fulltime employment.. thankfully.... But. Iv just accepted the role..... I had a good think about it and if seen some decent stuff happening in the club the past few weeks to know next year hopefully will be a good one.....

With reference to my own game...... I think it might be a welcome distraction for me in one sense as Im pretty driven in the way I want to get as low as I can but this season I put a bit too much pressure on myself to drop shots after a few lessons and it kind of backfired slightly until I realized just to get out and hit the ball around the course....... It might keep my mind at ease next year if I have something else to be thinking of.