people that dont rake bunkers properly !!!!


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 18, 2010
seriously do we have to start doing lessons , i walked up to my ball on the 6th yeserday and there it is plugged in the back of where the previous player had taken his shot , to say i was fuming is an understatement

surely is common curtesy to rake the bunker where you have walked and played

i think im still angry now ............bangs fist on desk
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seriously do we have to start doing lessons for new joiners , i walked up to my ball on the 6th yeserday and there it is plugged in the back of where the previous player had taken his shot , to say i was fuming is an understatement

surely is common curtesy to rake the bunker where you have walked and played

i think im still angry now ............bangs fist on desk

You are absolutely right - because it's only newbies that don't rake bunkers, or repair pitch marks or replace divots :rolleyes:

In all seriousness though it is really irritating.
You are absolutely right - because it's only newbies that don't rake bunkers, or repair pitch marks or replace divots :rolleyes:

In all seriousness though it is really irritating.

agreed ! edited top post now !! i was ranting !! pitch marks is also another major annoyance , what is wrong with some people
i find its mostly people who have been members for a while and have got lazy. Newbies are usually trying hard to fit in and do everything they can by the book.

It is very annoying though whoever the culprit is!!
agreed ! edited top post now !! i was ranting !! pitch marks is also another major annoyance , what is wrong with some people

On my first round back on full greens this year I was amazed at how many unrepaired pitch marks there were from only a few days play. I mentioned it to our pro who confirmed that sadly it was solely down to members, we hadn't had any visitors :(
I'm a newbie to golf and our club and always rake the bunkers etc. One of the frist things my hubby told me to do when he took me out on a cousre. What I've noticed is that whenever we've played after a mens comp some of the fairways look like horses have galloped across them with the amount of divots that haven't been replaced.
I was a marshall at a Pro comp last year and noted the care that the caddies took when raking a bunker.
Apparently they get fined if they don't do it to an accepted standard.
Be thankful you've got sand in them :(

I agree with Birchy & Steve, lazy long standing members. When our greens reopened it was on a day that the seniors had a comp which was also a Tuesday (ladies day). I went up for a late practice session and the greens were littered with pitch marks and we had no societies or visitors that day!

Societies always get the blame but the problems are in-house I'm afraid :(
I'll swap you.. I'll take the course with some unraked bunkers, and you can take the pack of "travellers" who have taken over the carpark and have ruined my club for the next month or so...:mad:
Agree it's very annoying,lazy players with no thought for others,I was playing in a comp. walked up to green side bunker to find my ball in a large footprint,no chance of a decent shoot out had to hack at it and ended up through the green in bushes,not saying this wouldn't have happened with a decent lie but at least I would have a chance of a proper bunker shot.
One of my pet hates and an even more heinous crime in my view than not repairing a pitch mark.

At least if someone leaves a pitch mark on the green you can repair it even if it's on your line. If you end up in someone else's foot prints or scrape in a bunker you're scuppered. How people can walk out of a bunker and not bother to tidy it up, with such complete disregard for those following, is beyond me. No excuse whatsoever imho.

What I've noticed is that whenever we've played after a mens comp some of the fairways look like horses have galloped across them with the amount of divots that haven't been replaced.

It's sometimes not the fault of lazy golfers golfers; it can be birds turning over the divots to find grubs and worms etc. Recently I saw a fairway at our place and virtually every single divot was lying just next to where it should have been replaced (and probably had been before the crows descended).
it can be birds turning over the divots to find grubs and worms etc. Recently I saw a fairway at our place and virtually every single divot was lying just next to where it should have been replaced (and probably had been before the crows descended).

That's more noticeable and acceptable when the top divot is next to the divot hole, if it hadn't been replaced it would be 10ft or more in front!
That's more noticeable and acceptable when the top divot is next to the divot hole, if it hadn't been replaced it would be 10ft or more in front!

Yes that's exactly how it was. I saw a few and was just about to start fuming at how people couldn't be bothered even though the divot was only a few inches from where it had come from and then realised they were all like that and I know our members aren't that bad. I also noticed some of the divots were quite old ones. Then I saw the crows and it clicked! :eek:
Same problem at my place but not tooo bad. However I might suggest that we have a 'no bunker raking' stableford competition. Maybe break the tee bookings into four chunks. You choose a tee time in first chunk you get the benefit of bunkers as left from previous day (so not tidied up by greens staff); 2nd bunch get 1 courtesy point; 3rd - 2 points, and 4th bunch get 3 points. See how we feel at the end of the day. I wonder which bunch I'd choose to play in. Dunno.
Same problem at my place but not tooo bad. However I might suggest that we have a 'no bunker raking' stableford competition. Maybe break the tee bookings into four chunks. You choose a tee time in first chunk you get the benefit of bunkers as left from previous day (so not tidied up by greens staff); 2nd bunch get 1 courtesy point; 3rd - 2 points, and 4th bunch get 3 points. See how we feel at the end of the day. I wonder which bunch I'd choose to play in. Dunno.
The last bunch. I very much doubt unraked bunkers has ever ACTUALLY cost anyone 3 points a round.
I'll swap you.. I'll take the course with some unraked bunkers, and you can take the pack of "travellers" who have taken over the carpark and have ruined my club for the next month or so...:mad:

let me think about that for about a pico thanks
There is no excuse for not raking bunkers. And you are correct, tour caddies take pride in doing it properly though haven't heard of any fines being given out (probably because of that pride).

Birds, Crows especially, do turn divots over to get at worms and leatherjackets.

Our pin placements have been close to front or back because of recent frosts. I've noticed that most un-repaired pitch marks are at the other end of the green, so folk either forget that they've landed short and run on or have bounced through and forget to repair them on the way to/back from their ball. Something that just seems tough to educate folk about I'm afraid.

And agree that it's members rather than visitors 90% of the time.
The Crows at our course don't bother with the divots, as soon as you leave your bag unattended, their on it looking for sandwiches and can be seen at times flying away with rich rewards! I once saw a Crow fly over us on the 13th Fairway where it had got a complete carrier bag with sarnies in it from an unattended bag on the 9th, it was hilarious :rofl: