Oversize Irons vs. Regular Cavity Back.


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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Hi y'all!

I got my trusty 15 y.o. 845s back from the pro today, nicely fitted with new grips. These irons have seen 2 re-shafts and 5 sets of grips.

I thought I'd go and hit a few (to relive the glory days of 40-50% GIRs on a good day). It was like returning to an old jumper or sleeping on your own bed after days on the road. They are as sweet as ever! :)

So, I'm wondering what has been going on to feel so down about my current set, and the ones before that. Then, I noticed that both my "dumped sets" are fairly massive oversised spec. I hadn't even considered this before. :D

Now, logic would suggest that if bigger is better (as with drivers) for irons, then nowadays all irons would be HUGE compared to yesteryear, but they're not.

Is it possible that oversize are not as sweet to hit as regular, which are not as sweet as blades, etc. etc. or is it just me???

Anyone have an opinion?

I think having huge heads on your irons makes your mind think that it doesn't have to be very accurate to hit the ball.

I have moved towards blade looking cavity backs (Cobra forged cb's) and although they are forgiving you still get a shudder if you get complacent and forget the club is not a magic wand.

Oversize clubs may suit some folks but I think that if you have to think about striking the ball with a smaller headed club makes that club a GAME IMPROVEMENT CLUB.

I've never felt complacent standing over the ball with an oversize, and the smaller version of my club is not intimidating at all. It's something in the strike though....I never get the confidence-enducing feel of flushing it out the middle, it's just so...well...dead!

Also, I suspect there might be some sneaky off-set going on with these mid-standard clubs. I can't remember the last time I hit a genuine fade with the 4-5-6, the bad shots always tweak left at the end.....

???? Someone else must have gone from one to the other ???

Just in case you were chomping at the bit to comment :D

I have discovered that YES, the oversize 845s do in fact feature a progressive offset :mad:

and that I'm not the only one who feels that that they are not as sweet (or quite as long) as the original 845 "Silver Scott"

So, s** it! I'm going back to my 1989 originals (as used by Davis Love in 1990), and the oversize can go in the local rag...great for high-mid, but not for me.


PM if you need a set of cheap (but quality) irons with regripped lamkin cord!!! ... but not if you play off single figures :cool: