Off to the range today...


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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With a head a wee bit full of swing thoughts so hoping for some help here guys !!

So - hitting off the toe - something I suffer from at times and too many of them yesterday...

Lesson last week on video and swing path nicely inside on the way down so don't think I'm OTT. We worked on my backswing position at the top as my left elbow collapses and club goes beyond parallel. Struck the ball nicely afterwards and even got the ugly one working nicely Bob and yesterday she was going well although a couple off the toe. Towards the end of the round I also topped my 3 wood and to my surprise my 6 iron.

So I'm wondering if it's a bit chicken wing which didn't show on video but I am trying to keep my arms a bit of a tighter unit on the way back. Or I'm coming up slightly through the swing...or or or...

Oh another thing - on the range yesterday I noticed that without realising it I was standing a bit open at address. Last time I got to the toe I really focussed on my set up being square and especially my left shoulder which sorted it. Oh another thing (!!) - I was pulling my irons a tad left at the weekend...

So maybe it's all the same flaw and in fact weight transfer (my old nemesis)...I could be rotating without any lateral shift...

You see what I mean about head being full of stuff??

So, if you had one thing for me to work on from that set if potential issues what would it be??


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Hi amanda, any chance we can see the swing vid here?

I wish I had it and would post which would help tremedously and know I'm limiting what advice can be given "blind". Will try and get it videoed when we go today. Just trying to get some clearer focus in a jumbled head!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Deary me, you are getting in a muddle.

Right, I'll type this slowly as I know you cant read fast. ;)

Golf is broken down into only 2 parts.


That's it.
Nothing more.
Decide which one you want to work on and forget the other.
Either wise you'll end up doing neither.

How you hit it.
You may be coming out of the shot which will often be a posture related problem.
Try and keep your spine angle the same throughout the swing and stay down on the shot. (don't pull up and out at impact)

Where you hit it

If your grip is good, I suspect the swing path.
If you are doing the above (posture problem) that will pull the club left causing the pull...obviously.

I suggest you focus on getting a better more solid turn with less up and down movement
Get the feeling of the club head going passed your face before you let your head come up.
That should help you focus on one thing only.
The rest of your brain can then focus on shoes, handbags and clothes shopping. :whistle:


Assistant Pro
Jan 4, 2012
North East
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Bob, can you give me tips. I'm even worse than Amanda.

I hit fat, thin, top, slice, hook, edge..... trying to think of others :(

You may think I'm joking but since I've started trying to better myself rather than just out for a laff, I've got worse.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Deary me, you are getting in a muddle.

Right, I'll type this slowly as I know you cant read fast. ;)

Golf is broken down into only 2 parts.


That's it.
Nothing more.
Decide which one you want to work on and forget the other.
Either wise you'll end up doing neither.

How you hit it.
You may be coming out of the shot which will often be a posture related problem.
Try and keep your spine angle the same throughout the swing and stay down on the shot. (don't pull up and out at impact)

Where you hit it

If your grip is good, I suspect the swing path.
If you are doing the above (posture problem) that will pull the club left causing the pull...obviously.

I suggest you focus on getting a better more solid turn with less up and down movement
Get the feeling of the club head going passed your face before you let your head come up.
That should help you focus on one thing only.
The rest of your brain can then focus on shoes, handbags and clothes shopping. :whistle:

Thanks Bob. I knew I could rely on you to make it simple for my brain that likes to over complicate and over analyse!! I have my range focus sorted now and won't think about anything else - promise!! Oh and shoes, handbags and shopping don't usually feature highly !! Unless they're golf shoes or golf bags of course :whistle:


Assistant Pro
Jan 4, 2012
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Thanks Bob. I knew I could rely on you to make it simple for my brain that likes to over complicate and over analyse!! I have my range focus sorted now and won't think about anything else - promise!! Oh and shoes, handbags and shopping don't usually feature highly !! Unless they're golf shoes or golf bags of course :whistle:

A woman who doesn't like shopping????? The ideal woman. If I wasn't already with one just like this I'd want your number LOL


Assistant Pro
Jan 4, 2012
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Getting my first one this spring.

Golf was always a morning/afternoon out with family/friends to extract certain excretions from each other. And a drink too ;)

Last Nov we decided after a weekend away, it's time to start trying to better ourselves, and hey presto, Santa brought me a golfing lesson. Wonder if someones hinting at something.....

Its more inconsistencies, as I can hit some cracker drives. And manage some 20odd yard chips into the hole etc.


Assistant Pro
Jan 4, 2012
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Well i'm waiting for a response to book the mrs in as well. The same santa that got my pressie bought her some bats n stuff. May be able to do a one after the other lesson, and hoping to get that in before March.


Assistant Pro
Jan 4, 2012
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You mean I'm not unique after all ?? Good to hear of another one breaking the stereo type :thup:

Breaking it..... I've made her an honorary bloke.

She likes action movies/hiking/camping/chilli & spicy food/real ale(and red wine)/scuba/golf/fast cars (she's the only person other than me allowed to drive my baby, cos she drives like I do) infact all the stuff I like pretty much.

She hates, girly girly films(other than funny ones),PINK(not the artist), shoes (unless they're walking boots), shopping (ours is done online over a glass of wine or 2), PINK (not the artist), makeup, babies, slow-a$$ drivers (as she might put it), oh and did I mention the colour PINK ;)

But she's definately not a man woman.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Breaking it..... I've made her an honorary bloke.

She likes action movies/hiking/camping/chilli & spicy food/real ale(and red wine)/scuba/golf/fast cars (she's the only person other than me allowed to drive my baby, cos she drives like I do) infact all the stuff I like pretty much.

She hates, girly girly films(other than funny ones),PINK(not the artist), shoes (unless they're walking boots), shopping (ours is done online over a glass of wine or 2), PINK (not the artist), makeup, babies, slow-a$$ drivers (as she might put it), oh and did I mention the colour PINK ;)

But she's definately not a man woman.

We sound similar although not so keen on the booze anymore!! Do love fast cars but had to let my MX5 2.0 sport go as winter driving was downright scary - like bambi on ice. I also do all my shopping online and can't resist sports clothing/gear.

Babies and make up - ditto!! I have kind of got a bit pink since I was on the course last winter complete with layers and woolly hat and some fellas said "come on through guys"!! Asked HID if I looked like a bloke and he said "no" which was great, followed by "but you walk a bit like one" :confused: and then, quickly "you walk purposefully and athletically" - hmmm. So a bit of pink has found it's way onto the course not least of all in the form of my trolley !!