new grips


Head Pro
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi to all.

I want to get my clubs re-gripped and i want to know what the forum think are good grips.

I do realise that this might be a personal preference thing but i would appreciate your input.

thanking all in advance
I'd go for compouind Golf Pride grips. Basically two colours, one of them black. You get loads of grip as usual with Golf Pride's.
I've been using Tour Velvet Mid-Size for the last year or so, my new sticks have the standard size multi-compound grips. They are top notch!
Not keen on the looks of multicompound. Bit too snazzy for me.

I like Lamkin crossline, but don't think they wear that well. This may just be because where the little white crosses are, if it wears, they look worn, where as tour velvet wouldn't show.

Golf pride tour velvet are pretty standard, and are a good all round grip (and cheap).

I have a corded grip on my 5 wood, which is great in summer with sticky hands, but a nightmare in the winter with dry cold hands.
Got this for my driver and all my irons will be getting regripped soon with the very same. Nice and grippy, actually they feel better than the semi corded golfpride ones.
thanks all

looked at the link, now i am stuck for choice lol.

the winn arrow look to be the best as they claim to be good in wet conditions so must be good in dry as well?

I also done the on-line ping fitting service and when i put the measurements of my hand on, it recommended a bigger than standard grip thickness should i go along with this?

Might just get 1 grip and try it

thanks again
The online ping fitting system is shiiiiii . dont get me wrong its better that nout but 'you got to see a pro' for further reasons why please asks.
yip flopshot i was only looking at it to see what size of grip it recommended, i would only go to a proper pro fitting for clubs.

I will do that some time next year, not sure where to go though.
was thinking st andrews or if i can find somewhere nearer to cumbernauld/glasgow area or then again i might make a long weekend of it and go down south for a golfing break depends on price really.
Geronimo, go to the Strathclyde Park Gold Centre and they will sort you out. It sits behind the Northbound Hamilton services next to Esporta and the old ice rink. They fit them for no extra cost.

American Golf will fit Tour Velvet for £3 a throw and they will guide you on size of grip too.
I wouldnt go to american golf at all for clubs. there a businesss that wants to make money. Go to a pro with an academy or go to demo day tour van thingy expert advice given as always. I went to american golf when i first started. The guy said what ones do you like the look of then suggested a dearer set and i said i think about it.

find out the clubs your interested then maybe call the manufacturer they could suggest a decent fitter local to you.
Depends where you go with AG. Some are franchises, some are owned outright and the standard and equipment varies.
I also went to a Ping demo recently - I wasn't impressed by what I saw of the 'fitting' service offered for a set of £700+ irons. Our club pro's also offer a fitting service but have no more equipment than the mobile - no launch monitors etc.
I reckon you have to go to a pro-fitter or club maker, which is what I will do when I replace my irons.
I've ditched my "new" oversize 845s for my "old" 845 Silver Scotts after having them re-gripped.
I paid £30 and they are pretty standard stuff with the name "procise" written on them. Perhaps not as good quality as lamkin etc. but working very well and good in wet and dry.
Can't say fairer than that. I wanted to do them myself, but all the gubbins and hassle didn't seem worth it when my pro said he'd do it for £30....bargain i.m.o.
